Period: to
dorothea dix
born -
emma hart willard opens the troy female seminary -
sunday school
askedtoo begin womens sunday school class in east cambridge jail -
embarked on a 2 year mission throughout massachusetts -
mental facility
shocked when enters mental facility -
supreme court
massachusetts supreme court upholds the right of workers to organize the case of common wealth v. hunt -
call for help
call for intelligant people in massachusetts resulted in expantion and renovation of an assylum in worchester and the removal of mant insane people -
U.S. and Canada
next 40 years travelling us and canada documenting abuse and spurring change -
NY state grants married women the right to own property apart from their husbands -
womens convention
first womens rights convention in history is held in seneca falls -
medical degree
elizabeth blackwell becomes the US first women to recieve a medical degree -
traveled to channel islands, italy, france, russia, scotland, and turkey and investigated condition in hospitals and jails -
womens rights
first national womens rights convention, held in worcester massachusetts -
yale university confers the U.S. first Ph.D. -
womens christian association
first young womens christian association i nthe U.S, opens in boston -
womens union
womens christian temperance union is founded -
super intendant
becanme a super intendant of nurses as an administrator -
became a crusading reformer -
Dr. Stanton Coit
Dr. Stanton Coit opens first settlement hjouse in NY to provide social services to the poor -
died in own hospital