Cliff paul

Dom's life timeline

  • Just graduated from High School

    Just graduated from High School
    The only type of savings plan I have set up is a savings account and I am in Step 1
  • First day at University of Southern California

    First day at University of Southern California
  • Half Way through College

    Half Way through College
    Half way through college and I am about ready to move to Step 2
  • End of College

    End of College
    Toward the end of College...Start of Step Two
  • Start of New Job

    Start of New Job
    Just got a job as a Doctor...with job I will have a steady income and I am in the start of Phase Two....Also job as offered me a 401k plan and has agreed to match whatever I put in the account
  • Good time spent as Doctor

    Good time spent as Doctor
    Nice stable inome as a Doctor..Well into Phase Two. I will alrady have start my portfilo loaded with bonds and mutual funds...I keeping adding at least 10% to my 401k
  • Getting Married!!!!

    Getting Married!!!!
    Getting older....I'm now in Step Three I have set a regular and planned investing
  • KIDS!!!!!!

    I have kids now and must try to make as much money as possible. I am well into Step 4...I am began to strategic invest managing my portflio while keeping an eye on balancing out losses and gains in different commodities.
  • Retirement

    I am know in retirement. I have started Step Five. I will begin Speculative Investing. I am stable enough to take big risks. I will soon have access to my 401k and am rolling in money