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Doctor inFUSION 2021 and Beyond!

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    The New Clinician On-Boarding Experience

    The first 365 days from their Offer Acceptance Date.
  • 1. PDA Day One - The Definition

    The PDA Day One date correlates to the Offer Accepted Date that is published in the Recruiting Team's Friday Report. Using this date, allows for predictability in calendaring the next 80-90 days prior to the clinician's Office Start Date.
  • 2. PDA Day One - The Formula for Placement

    Using the Offer Accepted Date allows for a simple "if and then" formula. e.g. If a clinician Offer Accepted Date falls between July 25, 2021 and August 25, 2021 they are enrolled in Doctor inFusion 5 Class that begins on August 26, 2021. This formula will allow us to build out the 2022 Doctor inFusion calendar and beyond.
  • 3. PDA Day One - Offer Accepted Date

    The recruiting team makes the announcement that a provider has been hired. Within this communication, the Offer Accepted Date (OAD) must be indicated. e.g. July 25, 2021. The Offer Accepted Date, will determine which Doctor inFusion Class they are enrolled.
  • 4. PDA Day Two - The Confluence of Influence

    The day after the clinician's Offer Accepted Date, several levers are activated. Practice Office Manager (OM), Regional Director of Operations (RDO), the Regional Dental Director (RDD), mentor, and a PDA Academy Representative welcome the new clinician to the family. OM - First contact. Welcome the clinician and ignite the conversations with HR, credentialing and prepare the clinician for his or her discussions with the RDO, RDD and PDA Academy.
  • 5. PDA Day Two through Day Five

    RDO, RDD and PDA Academy - In order for the PDA Academy to move forward with the Doctor inFusion Experience over the next 80 days until their Office Start Date, the coordination of these touchpoints must occur within the first five days of the offer being accepted.
  • 6. PDA Doctor inFusion Schedule is assigned.

    Depending on the Offer Accepted Date, the clinician will be placed in the appropriate Doctor inFusion Class. Their Doctor inFusion Experience will be completed prior to their Office Start Date. This will insure minimal patient care disruption. e.g. A clinician who's Offer Accepted Date was July 25, 2021 will be placed in Doctor inFusion Class 5.