Period: to
DNA travels through time.
DNA time line -
P.A. Levene- Nucleotides
He analyzed the components of the DNA molecule. He came to the conclusion that the nucleotides was composed of a base attached to a sugar and that phosphate also attached to the sugar. -
Fredrick Griffith- Transforming Principle
published a paper that showed that a nonpathogenic strain of the bacterium Streptococcus pneumonaie could be induced to take on the disease-causing characteristics of a different strain. This finding lead to the formation of the Transforming principle. -
Citation (read this)
I got all of my reasearch either from www.nnbd.com or DNA interactive. i tried to insert a link but it wouldnt show up. and im not sure if it worked or not. so i just wanted to make sure that you knew i cited all of my sources -
Oswald Avery- Transforming Factor
conducted a series of experiments using strains of pneumococcus bacteria and discovered the transforming factor -
Francis Crick-DNA structure
He was the cofounder of the structure of DNA -
James Watson - DNA structure
Was another co-founder of DNA along with Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins -
Erwin Chargaff
believed that there had to be more to dna than just simple repetitive tetrenucleotide blocks. he isolated DNA from different organisms and measured the levels of each of the four nitrogen bases -
Rosalind Franklin – X-ray diffraction
produced x-ray crystallography pictures of BDNA which watson and crick used to determine the structures of double stranded DNA -
Linus Pauling
He proposed to the world a triple stranded helix structure for DNA -
Hershey and Chase- blender experiment
conducted the hershey chase blender experiment that proved phage DNA and not protein was the genetic materialconducted the hershey chase blender experiment that proved phage DNA and not protein was the genetic material -
Maurice Wilkins
Took X-ray pictures of the DNA, when other well known scientists used his discoveries to build an accurate model of the DNA and later won a nobel prize in Physiology and Medicine.