DNA Contributers

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  • Gergor Mendel

    Gergor Mendel
    He cross pollinated yellow round pea plants with green wrinkly peas. They were all yellow and round, like the dominant yellow pea plants. He tested and experimented on over 29,000 peas. So he realized that they must have had DNA that lined up or followed a certain pattern for all of them to be the yellow peas. Therefore, that was probably true for most living things.
  • Fredrich Meischer

    Fredrich Meischer
    Know for discovering nucleic acid (DNA)
  • Fredrick Griffith

    Fredrick Griffith
    Saw that DNA is a molecule of inheritance.
  • Erwin Chargaff

    Erwin Chargaff
    Chargaff was the scientist that took samples from different types of DNA and found out that the thymine was almost euqual to the adienine. Also the amount of guanine was almost the same amount of cytosine. This became known as Chargaff's Rule.
  • Oswald Theodore Avery

    Oswald Theodore Avery
    This scientist figured out that DNA is the material in which the genses or (gentetic information) and chromosomes are made.
  • Maurice Wilkins

    Maurice Wilkins
    he figured out the structure fit DNA.
  • Hersey and Chase

    Hersey and Chase
    They proved that the DNA, contains the phage genes.
  • Rosailind Franklin

    Rosailind Franklin
    she worked on the X-ray diffraction images of DNA.
  • Fredrick Sanger

    Fredrick Sanger
    proved that genes or genetics are carried out by chromosomes.
  • John Sulston

    John Sulston
    They were awarded for the work they had done in understanding the development and dividing of the cells in C. elegans.
  • Thomas Hunt Morgan

    Thomas Hunt Morgan
    Established the chromosonal theory of inheritence.