Distance Education at the University Level

  • First Confirmed Correspondence Course

    Sir Isaac Pitman developed the first correspondence course, teaching shorthand by mail in the United Kingdom.
  • The Open University is Founded

    Open University is founded in the United Kingdom. Televised lectures supplement correspondence courses.
  • Computer Conferencing Used in Online Education

    The Western Behavioral Sciences Institute uses computer conferencing to provide courses to business executives across multiple continents. This was the first program using the computer as the primary means of delivery.
  • Online-Only Synchronous Education Begins

    CalCampus becomes regionally accredited - offering synchronous online education. Students are no longer isolated from their instructors and classmates.
  • First Online-Only Degree Granting University

    Jones International University receives regional accreditation, becoming the first online-only degree granting university.
  • 3 million students enrolled in online degree programs

    70% of these students attend for-profit universities
  • COVID causes in-person college programs to teach online

    The COVID-19 pandemic prevents in-person education. Most in-person programs are forced to adapt and teach online.