By wystan2

    The following timeline was established to identify significant milestones and goals that need to be met in order to complete my EdD.
  • Revision of first full draft

    This revision includes all recommended edits and changes that Dr. Stockwell recommended that I make before submitting to my Dissertation Committee.
  • Submission of Revised Draft

    Submitting the draft to my committee and scheduling my defense.
  • Reread Revised Chapters and Prepare for Defense

    While I am waiting for feedback from Lindsey, I will meet with my advisor to review any suggestions that she has for defense success. I will also begin my PPT for the Defense by rereading the dissertation, noting also any style and editing/grammar/APA citations details that need attention prior to defense.
    First draft of PPT for Defense will be completed by January 13, 2023
  • Lindsey's Feedback

    Assuming Lindsey will be able to share her feedback by January 20th, that will allow me plenty of time to review and implement her feedback by January 26
  • Revision of Draft based on Lindsey's Feedback Sent to Mikki

    By January 27, I will have reviewed Lindsey's feedback, made the necessary revisions and edits, and then resubmitted this revised version of the paper to Mikki and Tracy, so that Mikki will be reading the updated version of my chapters.
    I will also have asked a professor friend for editing feedback.
  • Mikki's Feedback Received

    Mikki has indicated that she will review my chapters beginning February 1, 2023. She will share her feedback by February 8, 2023
  • 2nd Revision based on Mikki's feedback

    Once I receive Mikki's feedback on revision 2 of chapters, I will quickly implement necessary revisions and edits and submit the revised chapters to committee before my defense.
  • Practice Defense with Advisor

    Prior to the actual Defense, I will meet with my advisor to practice the defense, to ensure I am comfortable, confident, and ready. I will then make any necessary changes to the PPT prior to the Defense.
  • Self-Editing and Grammarly

    After revising and editing based on Mikki's feedback, I will print out the dissertation, doing close editing for both format and sentence structure. I will make sure citations are correct and double check headers and table of contents. I will also use Grammarly for a final check.
  • Dissertation Defense

    Defense is scheduled for 1 pm central/2 et on February 14, 2023.
    At the end of my presentation, I will review any and all revision recommendations that my dissertation committee has made and create a plan for completing this revision within 7 days.
  • Post Defense

    Within one week of my Defense, I will have reviewed and implemented any final edits and revisions to my chapters and submitted the final revised dissertation to my committee for their approval, including getting their approval signatures, so I can then submit the dissertation PDF version for graduation approval and publication
  • Graduation Application

    I will formally apply for graduation on February 25, 2023

    35 years after I should have written my dissertation, I will graduate with a terminal degree.