Disruption Timeline

  • #MeToo Movement

    #MeToo Movement
    Primary Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
    Women and men together used social media to share stories of SA in order to bring awareness and support to victims and get the attention of the law.
  • Fridays for Future Climate Strikes

    Fridays for Future Climate Strikes
    Primary Social Media: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook
    Used social media to spread awareness on climate change and to put on events and rally supporters.
  • George Floyd Protests

    George Floyd Protests
    Primary Social Media: Instagram, Twitter, TikTok
    Social media was used to gain awareness and spread the news to the general population. It was used to organize protests and to share information to people on the problem of racism.
  • Covid-19 false information

    Covid-19 false information
    Primary Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram
    Social media was used for spread of false information and conspiracy theories about the origins of Covid-19 and what it meant for the country. Many anti-vaccine and anti-lockdown movements influencing public perception and policy decisions and confusing people.
  • Capitol Riot

    Capitol Riot
    Primary Social Media: Parler, Twitter, Facebook
    Social media was used to get people worked up with claims of a stolen election. The also used it for coordinating plans and sharing information among participants and even live-streamed the event.