Midterm Timeline Project

  • Period: 476 to 1430

    The Middle Ages

  • Period: 1025 to 1028

    Guido Arezzo's Formulation of the Solmization System

  • Period: 1098 to 1178

    Hildegard of Bingen

  • 1320

    Ars Nova Treatise

    Ars Nova Treatise
    Written by French composer, Philippe de Vitry, this introduced a new technique for writing music that allowed for greater rhythmic freedom and expression. This technique included the ability to divide the breve, a long note, into two or three smaller note values.
  • Period: 1410 to

    Renaissance Period

  • 1529

    Martin Luther Chorale

    Martin Luther Chorale
    "Ein feste burg" (a mighty fortress)
  • 1538

    Arcadelt Madrigal

    Arcadelt Madrigal
    "Il bianco e dolce cigno"
  • 1567

    Palestrina "Pope Marcellus Mass"

    Palestrina "Pope Marcellus Mass"
    The legend of this mass began in the 17th century. It claims that the Mass saved the polyphonic church music from being banned. Legend suggests that Palestrina composted the mass in response to a threat from the Council of Trent to ban polyphony because the words were difficult to understand. The Mass's simple and attentive style convinced Cardinal Carlo Borromeo that polyphony could be intelligible.
  • Victoria

    "Missa O Magnum Mysterium"