Discrimination against Jews

By eoswald
  • Germany's Discrimination

    Germany's Discrimination
    In the days following January 30, 1933 when Hitler was named chancellor brown shirts started violent attacks against Jewish people. They closed thier shops sometimes they broke windows. This is discrimination because it only happened to Jews and it clearly violated their rights.
  • Period: to

    Discimination Against Jews

  • Protest

    A protest against German government violation of the rights of Jews. Instead thGerman government said if the protest did not stop they would hurt Jews inside Germany. This shows that a whole nation discriminates against them.
  • Creation of Isreal

    Creation of Isreal
    Israel was created by Zionists. Zionists are Jews who feel that Jews should have their own nation. This was a major step towards improvement for Jewsih people because it eliminated discrimation against Jews in at least their home nation.
  • UN Meeting

    UN Meeting
    June 2004 United Nations meet to disscus anti semitism. Resolution to stop it did not pass. This means in certain contries discriminatin against Jews is still allowed.
  • UN Forces Isreal to Remove Wall

    UN Forces Isreal to Remove Wall
    The United Nations forced Israel to remove its security fences in the fall of 2004. This fence was to prevent terrorist atacks against Jewish communities. Showing further discrimination because the UN previously gave them ermission to build it.