Discoveries in Health Care

  • 6000 BCE


    It was used and discovered first by the Ancient Chinese. They used fine needles to make skin incisions and to stimulate specific points on the body.
  • 1500

    The discovery of the Cesarean Section

    The discovery of the Cesarean Section
    The first successful C-section was in Switzerland. It was created in order to to help the birth babies whose mothers were dying due to the birth.
  • Invention of microscope

    Invention of microscope
    Anton Van Leeuwenhoek invented the first microscope. The microscope enables you to be able to see things that are not visible to the eye.
  • Invention of mercury thermometer

    Invention of mercury thermometer
    The first mercury thermometer was invented by Gabriel Fahrenheit. The thermometer was created to be able to tell the difference in temperature change over time.
  • The invention of bifocal glasses

    The invention of bifocal glasses
    Bifocals were invented by Benjamin Franklin. Bifocals are glasses with an upper half lens, used for distance, and a lower half lens, used for reading.
  • The invention of Vaccines

    The invention of Vaccines
    Vaccines prepare the body to fight diseases. The first successful vaccine to be developed was the small pox vaccine, developed by Edward Jenner.
  • The invention of the stethoscope

    The invention of the stethoscope
    The stethoscope was invented by Rene Laennec. It allows a doctor to listen to sounds produced inside the body.
  • The professional education for nurses

    The professional education for nurses
    Florence Nightingale created the first school for nurses. This would better prepare the nurses and increase the survival rate when it comes to procedures.
  • The invention of the syringe

    The invention of the syringe
    A syringe is a medical device used to inject fluid into, or out of a body. Irish physician Francis Rynd invented the hollow needle (syringe) which he used to make to first recorded subcutaneous injections.
  • The discovery of anesthesia

    The discovery of anesthesia
    When using anesthesia, patients can undergo an operation without pain or distress during the surgery.
  • The discovery of sanitation

    The discovery of sanitation
    In 1854, Dr. John Snow showed that diseases are spread by drinking contaminated water. Sanitation is necessary to maintain good health and prevent the spread of disease.
  • The invention of prosthetic limbs

    The invention of prosthetic limbs
    A prosthetic limb is an artificial device which replaces a missing body part. The first prosthetic limb was an artificial leg invented by Douglas Bly.
  • The discovery of the Germ Theory

    The discovery of the Germ Theory
    The Germ Theory states many diseases are caused by microorganisms. These small organisms too small to see without magnification, invade humans, animals, and other living hosts. The Germ Theory was invented by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch.
  • The American Red Cross

    The American Red Cross
    The American Red Cross was founded by Clara Barton. It is an organization that provides emergency assistance, disaster relief, and preparation for disasters in the United States.
  • The invention of the x-ray

    The invention of the x-ray
    Doctors are now able to identify tumors, fractures, and other injuries which they were not able to do before.
  • The invention of Aspirin

    The invention of Aspirin
    Aspirin is a synthetic compound used medically to relieve mild or chronic pain and to reduce fever and inflammation. It was invented by Felix Hoffman, and made from salicin a product from willow tree bark.
  • The discovery of Insulin

    The discovery of Insulin
    Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that regulates the amount of glucose in the blood. Sir Edward Albert Sharpey-Shafer first suggested only one chemical was missing from the pancreas with people who have diabetes.
  • The invention of penicillin

    The invention of penicillin
    It was the first antibiotic discovered, and it was used to fight bacteria. Alexander Fleming discovered this antibiotic.
  • Organ transplants

    Organ transplants
    Organ transplants are necessary when a patients organ is damaged by disease or injury. The first organ transplant was a kidney in 1954.
  • The invention of the Pacemaker

    The invention of the Pacemaker
    A pacemaker is a small device that's placed in a chest or abdomen to help control abnormal heart rhythms. Wilson Greatbatch invented the pacemaker.