
  • Frederick A.Fay

    Frederick A.Fay
    He was one of the main people to start fighting for more right and helped create more civil rights for people with disabilities for more living opportunitites.
  • Edward Verne Roberts Fights For UC Berkeley

    Edward Verne Roberts Fights For UC Berkeley
    Was at first rejected due to the school thinking that he wasn't capable of being with the other students with all the needs he has.
  • American Coalization of Citizens with Disabilities (ACCD) was created

    American Coalization of Citizens with Disabilities (ACCD) was created
    It was a organization that brought many people with disabilities and different perspectives to express themselves and to help the effort for the Rehabilitation Act
  • U.S. Rehabilitation Act

    U.S. Rehabilitation Act
    It was one of the first acts to fight against discrimination of someone with disabilities.
  • Passage of Public Law 94.142 (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)

    Passage of Public Law 94.142 (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)
    It guarantees a free, appropriate, public education for all children with disabilities in the least restrictive environment.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

    Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
    Signed into law by Bush senior it created disablity specfic organization for people with disablity.
  • What were the major accomplishments of your group?

    Funding for Youth information centers. The Administration for Developmental Disabilities begins to fund Youth Information Centers (YICs).
  • Describe in detail at least two problems or goals they continue to fight for today.

    People with disablities are still fighting against discrimnation and prejudice from their peers.