Disability Rights History Timeline

  • Period: to

    Disability Rights History

  • FDR

    1933-1945: FDR was diagnosed with Polio and could no loner walk. He rarely let his picture be taken in a wheel chair or seen in public. He sought that the crown would see it only as weakness.
  • Vetrans Return Home from War

    When the Vetrans returned home they shed a new light on disabilities; because they sometimes came home with injuries from war. This was a new turning point in history.
  • Social Movements

    demands of equal rights are made like equal oppritunities, equal transpotation, and equal education. Many also demanded for loved ones or for themselves to leave the institution and return home.
  • President Veto

    The president vetos the law giving rights, thus causing a uproar. 80 people sat out in the middle of the road stopping traffic in protest.
  • Disability Rights Act passed into law.

    Disability Rights Act passed into law.
  • Rehabilitation act

  • Equal Education

    Act was passed so that kids with or without disabilities would be educated at the same place and have the same chances in learning.
  • School requirements

    before 1975 schools weren't required to provide education to those with disabilities

    American Desabeled for Public Transportation started
  • Voting Accessibility Act

  • Workforce Investment Act

  • Fair Housing Act

  • Capitol Crawl

    a group gathered at capitol of Washington D.C. and climbed up stairs by flopping onto the ground and using their arms, elbows, backs, and anything they could use to get up the stairs of Capitol Hill which wasn't accesible to those with disabilities at the time. The youngest was a nine year old girl which opened the eyes of the government.
  • ADA signed

    Act prohibited discrimination against any disabilities. This allowed equal opprotunities, equal education, equal transportation, equal communication, and equal job opprotunities.