1918 The Smith-Sears Act
1918-- The Smith-Sears Veterasn Rehabilitation Act expanded the role of the Federal Board of Vocational Education to provide services for vocational rehabilitation of veterans disabled during World War 1; also reffered to as the Soldiers Rehabilitation Act -
Period: to
Disability Rights
1935-- The Social Security Act
The Social Security Act was enacted to establish an income maintenance system that targeted those unable to work; included provisions furnishing medical and therapeutic services for crippled children and made permanent the vocational Rehabilitation program; provided for continous authorizations, increased grant awards, and increased support from the federal goverment. -
ADA 1964
The ADA was passed in 1990 largely because of the efforts of activists concerned about the rights of people with disabilities. However, the success of its passage owes much to the goals and language of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which ended race- and gender-based discrimination in hiring, the awarding of government contracts, and school and university admissions.
Since its passage in 1990, the ADA has helped to bring about a change in attitudes toward individuals with disabilities. Incre -
The ADA of 1990
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in employment, public services and public accommodations, and telecommunications. It is the most important federal antidiscrimination law since the Civil Rights Act of 1964.The history of inequality and injustice faced by people with disabilities gave rise to the Americans with Disabilities Act. As a group, disabled Americans tend to be less educated, less likely to be employed, and l -
Members Of ADAPT Protest For Better Long Term Care in Washington
Members of ADAPT, a disability rights group, block off 15th street near the White House as they protest for President Obama to expand and support community based on long term care services for people with disabilities, in Washington on Sempter 20, 2010