• Birth

    I was born on November first, around 7 PM.
  • Emz birth

    Emz birth
    My younger sibling, Emily was born. I don't remember much, but I remember my mom being gone for a bit and staying with a nanny.
  • Clumsy

    I remember this EXTREMELY vividly. For some reason. We were upstairs and my little brain thought "what if I did a cartwheel?" And so I did one. In the little hallway that connects the rooms up there. Towards the stairs. And I fell. After that I remember getting up and just staring out the window because a bird landed on the windowsill. No crying. But I remember it in almost a third-person feel to it. The stairs are not mine but I can bring back pictures of what the hallway looked like lol
  • Met Ele

    Met Ele
    I met Ele in summer camp, the summer between first and second grade. I added the meeting here because they have been a huge part of my life, dragging me into friend groups and helped me meet so many of my friends.
  • Education

    While the picture may be recent, I started martial arts in second grade. When I was younger, I didn't think I would get far, as I just joined it as an after school club. Then I started going as an everyday thing, and now I have the honor of teaching new students learning martial arts. Mirzeta, the person with me in the picture, is basically my mom at work, she's amazing.
  • Bookworm

    I love to read! I love reading stories about history, fantasy, everything. Just no science textbooks or anything. So when my dad agreed that Athens was the trip for this year, I could NOT miss the opportunity of wearing my camp half blood shirt. After my sister and dad chose the next places, I have a couple planned out. I really want to explore the streets of the UK that Hogsmeade is based off of! I also want to travel and take in many different cultures and I can use that in art and minecraft!
  • Met my online friend group

    Met my online friend group
    Ele invited me to a server, the server name I cannot type put or I will probably get in trouble. But there were about 15 people there, some were more active than others. The group slowly became less active once school started up again when I was in freshman year. Today, only 4 of us kept in touch and we invited two more to our group. It's also funny to mention we're three pairs of couples. Nathan and Francis, Ele and Mel, and Toms and I.
  • Studious

    I started learning in the instructor course. We spent the weekends learning the forms so we would be able to go out and teach others. Me, Pablo, Mirzeta, and Dina were the second batch of instructors learning to teach. The first batch had been several years prior, so we were the first new instructors in a couple years. The image is a little more recent, but it is, from left to right, me, Pablo, Master Ong, our teacher, Dina, and Mirzeta.
  • My first homemade halloween costume

    My first homemade halloween costume
    In 2019, I created my own halloween costume from almost scratch. I painted all the details on the jacket, dewed the red strips, cut the mask, all so it could look as close to Katana from Suicide Squad as possible.
  • Emotional

    This day was a very emotional day for me and my friends, since we finally finished our course of learning how to be an instructor. We received our uniforms, belts, and certificates during a christmas party held my the school.
  • Started going by Atlanti

    Started going by Atlanti
    I started going by Atlanti online, and ever since Ele kept calling me it, it's grown on me and I prefer it WAY more than my dead name. It's unique and I like it and where it originates from, which is the lost city of Atlantis. Just this year, I started using it at school in a few classes.
  • Came out as aroace

    Came out as aroace
    I came out as aroace. While I know myself to be asexual, I believe to be somewhere on the aromantic spectrum, but just saying I'm aroace feels easier.
  • Anxious but Ready

    Anxious but Ready
    This is the day I tested all of my knowledge with my, current, coworkers. We all helped each other study in preparation for this test. We shows off all the forms after a written test, along with the third batch of students.
  • Affectionate

    My friends believe me to hate showing affection but I just have weird ways of showing my affection. <3
  • Came out as genderfluid

    Came out as genderfluid
    I came out as genderfluid. I tend to fluctuate between nonbinary umbrella terms and feeling masculine or feminine.
  • Childish

    I tend to be childish at times. I even dressed up as Runa from Kakegurui for the last day of school, because who's to stop me? No one, so why not
  • Started dating ❤️

    Started dating ❤️
    Honestly I find it hilarious that we were platonically married before we were dating. Same goes for the other 4 in the group I guess that's something my friend group does. But yes I remember this day pretty well. Ele and I were on our way back from six flags and Toms and I were chatting like we did, just about our favorite tropes in shows. Somehow conversation derailed and then Toms asked me out. I was freaking out to Ele since I liked them (the pic is who toms and i like from lego monkie kid)
  • Adventurous

    I love to travel! I believe I got that from my dad, since he and I match up with being history geeks. He knows more the architecture of everything, I love the stories told. I so appreciate the buildings though! Like in Greece, The buildings, what was left of them, was beautiful. We went to Hawaii and saw some traditional festivities. We do more travelling with my dad more than with my mom, but we hang out a lot more with my mom. (and yes the picture is one I took)
  • Creative

    Went to the ren faire and made my own costume! Frankly, it is my technoblade halloween costume, but no one needs to know that :)
  • Made my second halloween costume

    Made my second halloween costume
    I created my second homemade costume, which was Technoblade. I had a lot more freedom with this one, so I added lots of tiny little details. I had claws I didn't wear to school, I had some bells I didn't put on, I had a lot more little pins and details I also forgot to add. I had one the year prior, but this was the updated one that I enjoy more.