Diary of Anne Frank Timeline of Important Dates

  • Anne Frank is born....

    Anne Frank is born....
    Anne Frank was born on June 12th, 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany. Witihout Anne being born, this generation and past generations wouldn't know what these people during the Holocaust went through, (thanks to her diary).
  • World War II begins....

    World War II begins....
    On September 3, 1939, World War II began... in the future the war finally ends on May 8, 1945. This war first began when Germany attacked Poland.
  • Germany invades the Netherlands, Belgium, and France

    Germany invades the Netherlands, Belgium, and France
    On May 10th, 1940 Germany invaded the Netherlands, Belgium, and France. This was basically the start of the Holocaust for the Jews. Also, this was a warning for the Franks to hide.
  • Period: to

    Diary of Anne Frank Timeline (important events)

  • Anne receives her first diary for her 13th birthday

    Anne receives her first diary for her 13th birthday
    On June 12th, 1942 for her 13th birthday her parents gave her a diary. Even though at first she thought it would be a little awkard and werid writing in a diary. She later falls in love with writing and sees herself as an journalist.
  • Margot receives a call up.... from the Nazi's to go to a "work camp" in Germany

    Margot receives a call up.... from the Nazi's to go to a "work camp" in Germany
    Margot receives a call up from the Nazi;s to go to a "work camp" in Germany. Later, she then denies the request and stays hiding in the "Secret Annex." This event is so important because this was kind of like a warning for the Franks family, that they need to hide because the Nazis' are coming.
  • The Frank family goes into hiding

    The Frank family goes into hiding
    On July 6th, 1942, the day after Margot received the call up fro the Nazis', the Frank family decided to go into hiding (in the "Secret Annex." Also, this event is so important to Anne's diary because without the Frank family hiding, Anne probably would have died and her diary wouldn't have been created, found, and published.
  • The Van Daans join the Frank's in the Annex....

    The Van Daans join the Frank's in the Annex....
    Peter, Hermann, and Auguste Van Pels (in the Anne's diary it is Van Daan) join the Frank's in the "Secret Annex" a week after the Frank's arrival. This is such an important event because twithout the Van Daans' moving in to the "Secret Annex", Anne's diary wouldn't have the same character and emotion. With the arguments and and heart between the Van Daans and her family.
  • Another member joins the families in hiding

    Another member joins the families in hiding
    Dentist Fritz Pfeffer (Dussel) joins the Franks and the Van Daans in hiding in the Secret Annex.
  • Betrayed, Arrested, and taken

    Betrayed, Arrested, and taken
    The families hiding in the "Secret Annex" are betrayed, arrested, and then taken to Westbork transit camp. (The Franks', Van Daans', and Dussel) It is told, that someone, unidentified called the police and told that there were Jews in the "Secret Annex." This event was so important, well tragic because this was basically the beginning of Anne Frank, her family, the Van Daans, etc. slow death.
  • Margot and Anne Frank die... in concentration camps from typhus

    Margot and Anne Frank die... in concentration camps from typhus
    Margot and Anne Frank die in concentration camps from typhus. (There is no exact date recorded when Anne and Margot Frank died in the concentration camps)
  • The war is over....

    The war is over....
    On May 8th, 1945 the Holocaust and World War II was finally over. This tragic event ended with Hitler and his troops surrendering and Hitler commiting sucicide. After six years, World War II was over and the Holocaust had lasted thirteen years and killed over 11 million people. Only, about 3.5 million people citizens died during the Holocaust.
  • Anne's diary is published....... for the first time (in Dutch)

    Anne's diary is published....... for the first time (in Dutch)
    On June 25th, 1947 Anne Frank's diary was published for the first time (in Dutch). Anne's diary is now translated in over fifty languages and is now one of the most popular books in the world. This event is so important because without Anne's diary becoming published no one would understand or know what it was like to hide during the Holocaust.