Developments of The Eucharist

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    The Passover And The Eucharist

    The Passover And The Eucharist
    In historic meaning, the Passover occurred back over 3000 years ago marking the Jews' grant wish. Quintessentially, early Jews during the time were trapped by slavery in Egypt, were saved and freed by God. --> Significant of Freedom
    Likewise, with the Eucharist Jesus told his disciples to practice the eucharist in memory of his sacrifice. The sacrifice made by Jesus (Lamb of God) was the significance of freedom of sin, correlating to Jews' guide through by the Lamb's blood.
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    Minor Development - Celebration date

    Minor Development - Celebration date
    Twenty years after Jesus' death, a reconsideration took place regarding when the Eucharist should be celebrated. The breaking of the bread was initially acclaimed during meal sessions, but with the success of the reconsideration, the eucharist would take place on Sundays. Likewise, continuing the reading and teachings of the scriptures, and the taking of the Body of Christ.
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    Basilica Building

    Basilica Building
    The Christian community began to rapidly grow during this time of the history. With high numbers of Christians, they had to build their own 'Basilica' inspired by the Romans in order for the wider community to participate. The procedures of the Mass as follows:
    Gathering and preparing
    Reading the scriptures and homily
    Prayers of Intercession
    Set up of bread and wine
    Eucharistic Prayer
    Distribution of the eucharist
    Deacons were able to receive the eucharist for those unable to attend the mass.
  • Mar 29, 1215

    Development of Eucharist - Middle Age

    Development of Eucharist - Middle Age
    During 1215 the number of Christian followers was sloping downwards due to numerous reasons of both the church and intentions of the individual. The entire mass including the reading of scriptures, songs were all recited in Latin, hence shifted many Christians to follow other devotions.
    In addition, many felt fearful of taking in the body of Christ or felt unworthy for no particular reason.
  • The Eucharist & The Second Vatican Council

    The Eucharist & The Second Vatican Council
    The hosting of the Second Vatican Council gathered all the Bishops to discuss furtherly and in depth of the Eucharist. 'The Real Presence of Christ' has always been embedded within the bread and wine, but also within the Priest, the gathered community and the teachings and readings. The discussion regarding the eucharist essentially re-affirmed the significance and depiction of Christ's sacrifice.
  • Cont. The Eucharist & The Second Vatican

    Cont. The Eucharist & The Second Vatican
    Many changes were introduced within the discussion of the Second Vatican. In order for the priest to interact and portray the sacraments, the altar needed to be pushed up.
    -Mass now celebrated in many other cultural languages
    -Priests to further explain the story behind the Gospel during Homily
    -The Sign of Peace
    -Communion can also be received through tongue
    -People of the community could participate in distribution of the Eucharist.