Developments in Educational Technologies

  • 30,000 BCE

    Cave Paintings

    Cave Paintings
    Cave drawings were a main media to preserve knowledge of the world surrounding the cave men.
  • 510 BCE


    A school was opened based on the teachings by the famous Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras. His theorem Pythagoras is an educational technology in itself.
  • 400 BCE


    Socrates developed a new teaching method, which involved the use of question and answers in order to develop critical thinking skills.
  • 105

    Paper Invented

    Paper Invented
    The first paper was produced in China, however it was originally used as protective packaging for valuable objects.
  • 200

    Paper Used for Writing

    Paper Used for Writing
    Paper was used to record written thoughts and ideas on.
  • Nov 2, 1450

    Gutenberg Printing Press Invented

    Gutenberg Printing Press Invented
    Gutenberg Printing Press helped to solve the problem of the availability of manually copied manuscripts.
  • Horn Books Produced

    Horn Books Produced
    Horn books were the fist media that transmitted knowledge in a written form to pupils.
  • Magic Lantern/Blackboard/Distance Education Invented

    Magic Lantern/Blackboard/Distance Education Invented
    In the 1800s magic lantern was introduced to schools, a device which projected printed images of glass frames onto the walls in darkened classrooms. Modern blackboard dates back to the 1801- . when a geography teacher in Edinburgh, Scotland, hung a large piece of slate on the classroom wall.
  • Pencils/Paper

    In the 1900s pencils and paper replaced slates and chalk in classrooms
  • Radio

    In 1910 the radio emerged in classrooms, allowing pupils to learn from radio shows.
  • Film Projector

    Film Projector
    The film projector was invented.
  • Ballpoint Pen

    Ballpoint Pen
    The ball point pen was introduced in schools.
  • Headphones/TVs

    Headphones/TVs filtered into schools, allowing learning through repetition.
  • Overhead Projectors

    Overhead Projectors
    Overhead projectors entered schools in the late 1950s, enabling teachers to print their materials on plastic sheets and also write directly to the plastic sheets with a non-permanent washable marking pen.
  • VHS/VCS/Audiotapes

    The 1900s were known as the information age. VHS/VCS/Audiotapes helped to enrich lessons.
  • Handheld Calculator

    Handheld Calculator
    The first handheld calculator was allowed in schools. This allowed pupils to perform complicated maths tests with a single click. However teachers originally feared calculators, thinking they would undermine basic skills.
  • First Personal Computer/Computer Games

    First Personal Computer/Computer Games
    The development of personal computers in the 1980s allowed educational games to be created- the first of which was called Oregon Trail.
  • IBM/PCs

    PCs were introduced in schools, however were limited to very basic word processes.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    In 1990 the development of the World Wide Web allowed pupils to send emails and research online.
  • Interactive Age

    Interactive Age
    The 1900s were known as the digital age, with the 2000s being referred to as the interactive age. Technologies in school take a more interactive approach. Tablets, smartphones and smart boards are regular features in todays 21st century class rooms.