Developmental Timeline

  • 6 months (Vaccinations)

    DTaP (3rd dose)
    Hib (3rd dose)
    Polio (3rd dose)
    PCV13 (3rd dose)
    Influenza (every year)
  • 0-3 months (Vaccinations)

    Hepatitis B (2nd dose)
    Diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough (pertussis) (DTaP) (1st dose)
    Haemophilus influenza type b disease (Hib) (1st dose)
    Polio (IPV) (1st dose)
    Pneumococcal disease (PCV13) (1st dose)
    Rotavirus (RV) (!st dose)
    4 Month Vaccinations:
    DTaP (2nd dose)
    Hib (2nd dose)
    Polio (2nd dose)
    PCV13 (2nd dose)
    Rotavirus (2nd dose)
  • 0-3 months

    Gross/Fine Motor Skills:
    Raises head and chest when on stomach
    Stretches/kicks on back
    Opens/shuts hands
    Brings hand to mouth Communication/Linguistic:
    Cries for all needs
    Coos in response to sounds around
    Quiets when picked up/comforted
    Recognizes/responds to a person’s voice or to movement or light
    Shows awareness of environment Social/Emotional:
    Comforted by familiar adult
    Sees clearly within 13 inches from their face
    Studies faces rather than environment
  • Birth

    Vaccinations: Hepatitis B (1st dose) within 24 hours of birth
  • 6 months

    Gross/Fine Motor Skills:
    Rolls from back to stomach.
    Sits with support of own hands.
    Bears weight with feet flat on surface.
    Grabs toys.
    Picks up small toy with one hand.
    Reaches for crumb with thumb or raking motion. Communication/Linguistic Skills:
    Makes sounds like “da”, “ba”.
    High pitched squeals.
    Turns in directions of loud noise. Social/Emotional:
    Smiles or coos in front of mirror.
    Grabs own foot while laying on back.
    Tries to get toy out of reach.
  • 18 months (Vaccinations)

    Chickenpox (Varicella) (1st dose)
    DTaP (4th dose)
    Hib (4th dose)
    Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) (1st dose)
    Polio (3rd dose)
    PCV13 (4th dose)
    Hepatits A (1st dose)
    Hepatitis A (3rd dose between 6-18 months)
  • 12 months (Vaccinations)

    Chickenpox (Varicella) (1st dose)
    DTaP (4th dose)
    Hib (4th dose)
    Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) (1st dose)
    Polio (3rd dose)
    PCV13 (4th dose)
    Hepatits A (1st dose)
    Hepatitis A (3rd dose between 6-18 months)
  • 12 months

    Gross/Fine Motor Skills:
    Walks holding on to furniture or hold both parent’s hands.
    Stands alone.
    Picks up string.
    Uses pincer grasps.
    Throws ball with forward arm motion.
    Turns pages of book. Communication/Linguistic Skills:
    Makes 2 smilier sounds such as “ba-ba”, “da-da”.
    Plays peek-a-boo.
    Says 3 words.
    Points to objects. Social/Emotional:
    Helps with dressing.
    Rolls or throws a ball.
    Hugs stuffed animal or doll.
  • 18 months

    Gross/Fine Motor Skills:
    Picks up object from the floor.
    Walks. Climbs.
    Walks down stairs.
    Kicks large ball/throw small ball.
    Stacks 2-3 blocks.
    Marks paper.
    Turn pages of book.
    Uses of spoon. Communication/Linguistic Skills:
    Points to objects and pictures in book.
    Says 8 or more works.
    Imitates 2-word sentence. Social/Emotional:
    Gets attention by pulling on your hand or clothes.
    Comes to your for help.
    Drinks from a cup.
    Copies activities.
  • 2 years

    Gross/Fine Motor Skills:
    Walks down stairs holding rail.
    Kicks large ball.
    Jumps with both feet.
    Uses spoon without spilling.
    Turns pages of book.
    Flips switches on and off.
    Stack 7 blocks.
    String beads. Communication/Linguistic Skills:
    Points to correct picture in book.
    Imitates 2-wird sentence.
    Follows directions.
    Names objects. Social/Emotional:
    Drinks from up without spilling.
    Copies activities such as sweep.
    Combs hair.
    Pushes toys on wheels.
  • 2 years (Vaccinations)

    Flu vaccine
  • 3 years

    Gross/Fine Motor Skills:
    Kicks ball by swinging leg forward
    Jumps forward at least 6 inches
    Walks up stairs
    Stands on one foot for 3-5 seconds
    Draws line in vertical direction/circle
    Strings beads
    Cuts paper
    Hold crayon between fingers and thumb Communication Skills:
    Points to 7 body parts
    Speaks 3-4 word sentences
    Follows directions
    Identifies action in picture book
    Knows own first/last name Social/Emotional:
    Pushes and steers wagon or toy on wheels
    Dressed self
    Takes turns
  • 3 years (Vaccinations)

    Flu vaccine
  • 4 years (Vaccinations)

    DTaP (5th dose)
    Polio (4th dose)
    MMR (2nd dose)
    Varicella (2nd dose)
  • 4 years

    Gross/Fine Motor Skills:
    Jumps at least 6 inches.
    Catches a large ball with both hands.
    Climbs a ladder.
    Traces a circle.
    Cuts paper with scissors.
    Puts together a 5-7 piece puzzle. Communication/Linguistic Skills:
    Follows simple directions.
    Speaks in complete sentences. Social/Emotional:
    Dresses self with coat and shirt.
    Takes turns.
    Serves self food.
    Washes hands using soap and water.
  • 5 years (Vaccinations)

    DTaP (5th dose)
    Polio (4th dose)
    MMR (2nd dose)
    Varicella (2nd dose)
  • 5 years

    Gross/Fine Motor Skills:
    Throws ball at least 6 feet away.
    Catches large ball with both hands.
    Stands on one foot for 5 seconds.
    Walks on tiptoes for 15 feet.
    Hops on one foot 4-6 feet.
    Draws picture of person with 3 or more body parts.
    Cuts with scissors.
    Copies shapes and letters.
    Prints first names. Communication/Linguistic Skills:
    Follows 3 unrelated directions.
    Uses 4-5 word sentences.
    Uses past tense and comparisons words.
    Answers questions.
  • 5 years

    Serves self food.
    Washes and dries hand and face without help.
    Knows phone number and city of residence.
    Dresses and undresses self.
    Uses toilet by self.
    Takes turns and shares with others.