The egg has been fertilized by the sperm. The zygote has been formed. -
Embryo Stage (Prenatal Development)
The zygote becomes an embryo after 2 weeks. -
Fetus stage (Prenatal Development)
The embryo becomes a fetus after 9 weeks from conception. -
Period: to
Sensorimotor Stage (Piaget)
I am currently in the sensorimotor stage in which I am exploring the world through my senses to devleop my first ideas, or schematas in my mind. -
Period: to
Trust Versus Mistrust (Erikson)
I trust my caregivers only. I only trust the people that cater for my needs. -
Period: to
Preconventional Morality (Kohlberg)
I strictly follow the rules given to me. I do not do anything what an adult would tell me, no matter what. -
Trust versus mistrust. (Erikson)
I would only accept to be carried by Saeed because he was one of the only people I knew. Nobody else could carry me or because I would cry. -
Oral Stage (Freud)
I put my shoes into my mouth. It was my way to pleasure myself and play. -
Period: to
Autonomy Versus Shame and Doubt (Erikson)
I try my best to control my body on my own without the help of anybody. -
Sensorimotor Stage (Piaget)
Starts to search for pacifier when it cannot be seen. Acknowledges the existence of the object when it is not there. -
Period: to
Preoperational Stage (Piaget)
I now have started to develop my language and speaking skills. I have learned to say words to represent people or objects. -
Preoperational Stage (Piaget)
Starts to label people using names at beginning of language development. Calls Hassan the driver as Mama. -
Autonomy versus shame and doubt. (Erikson)
Start to drive toy car alone without the help of anybody. Previously, the nannies would drive the toy car with me on their laps. -
Period: to
Initiative Versus Guilt (Erikson)
I use my language skills to ask about everything. I like to explore things. -
Initiative versus guilt. (Erikson)
Starts to explore chocolate cake by touching and playing with it. Eventually covers full face with chocolate. -
Phallic Stage (Freud)
I wore sunglasses to imitate my father. This was to try and gain my mother's attention away from my father. -
Period: to
Industry Versus Inferiority (Erikson)
In this stage I start to interact with my peers at school. I feel content whenever I perform at the same level as everyone else, but I am sad when I don't. -
Industry versus inferiority. (Erikson)
Cannot do a pushup like other kids in the class. Starts to develop a hatered for PE in school and participating in competitive sports in general. -
Period: to
Concrete Operational Stage (Piaget)
I know can calculate simple aspects of math. I understand that the amount of water does not change if it placed in two different types of glasses. -
Concrete Operational Stage (Piaget)
Gave one apple to older sister and kept the other when asked to divide the amount of apples (2) between sister and self. Demostrated practical mathematical abilities. -
Preconventional Morality (Kohlberg)
I decide to tell mother that Hassan my driver is using my mobile phone to call all his friends. I am afraid she will be mad at me for using my phone too much, so I saved myself by telling her that my driver uses the phone. -
Period: to
Conventional Morality (Kohlberg)
I would not do anything to point out anyone else's mistake when they are wrong. People would not like me and I would not like that to happen. -
Period: to
Formal Operational Stage (Piaget)
Convential Morality (Kohlberg)
I refused to confront Faisal the gardener that I noticed him using our home phone to call home. I did not want to embarass him or make him think that I am mean. -
Period: to
Identity Versus Role Confusion (Erikson)
I am at crossroads in choosing which groups to befriend. I want to choose the people that match my personality the most and share common traita. -
Permissive Parents (Diana Baurmind)
My father did not get mad and was very receptive when I had a C in English with Mr. Rucker. He did not scold me and I did not expect him to be nice about it. -
Formal Operational Stage (Piaget)
Analyzed possible outcomes such as losing friendship or losing dignity before deciding to confront friend after he spoke badly about me behind my back. -
Identity versus role confusion. (Erikson)
Form a clique in high school. Joins a group of friends that share interests in gaming to form an identity as a group of gamers. -
High School Graduation
I graduated from high school. -
Period: to
Postconventional Morality (Kohlberg)
I must fully comprehend any situation before making any decison morally. I developed ethical principles that should never be disregarded in any situation I encounter in life. -
Univesity Graduation
I graduated from Columbia University (NYC) with a major in Marketing and minor in Film Directing. -
Open first business
I opened a marketing firm in Jeddah, my first business. -
I get married to my college sweetheart. -
Postconventional Morality (Kohlberg)
I decide to change the salary concept in my firm. It dictates that citizens of 1st world nations should have higher salaries becuase of their nationality and nothing else. I changed the concept of salaries to be based on productivity within the firm instead. This is against the laws of the nation, but the law is unjust. -
Birth of First Child
My first child is born. She gives me a new motivation to expand my business and improve my life for the better. -
Period: to
Intimacy Versus Isolation (Erikson)
I am having troubles setting my priorities between my family and work. They are both consuming all my effort and I need to set my balance. -
Intimacy verus isolation. (Erikson)
Retire from work to spend time with family. Become a stay-at-home father to engage with children and wife. -
Period: to
Generativity Versus Stagnation (Erikson)
Here I started to kick back and look if I am content with how my life is going. I would make decisons to change my life path if I think that something needs to be changed. -
First Grandchild
Eldest daughter has first child. -
Death of Wife
Wife dies after tragic accident. Enters into state of depression and loneliness. -
Generativity versus stagnation. (Erikson)
Marry 23 year old maid working in home. Starts to realize that aging is inevitable and overcompensates by marrying young woman. Makes new friends younger in age. -
Period: to
Integrity Versus Despair (Erikson)
I take a step back and look at my overall life. Is this what I imagined it would be like? Should I share my experience with the world or should I hide away and die in peace? -
Divorces New Wife
I realize that my old wife is my only true love. I divorce my younger wife after I realize she is a goldigger. -
Integrity versus despair. (Erikson)
Analyzes life achievments and becomes content with results. Decides to write book to help others try and reach their ultimate goals in life. -
Heart attack in home beside family.