Infancy : Emotional Development
Were you securely/insecurely attached to your primary caregiver? I was insecurely attached to my mother. I would cry whenever she left and wouldn't stop crying. -
Infancy : Emotional Development
What was your temperament like as a baby? I was a very active and curious baby, it was a bad idea for my parents to leave me by myself because I would get into everything. -
Infancy : Cognitive Development
Provide an example from your life that demonstrates at least one concept related to Piaget's stages of cognitive development? My mom says I used to love to tear up magazine pages (Sensorimotor). -
Infancy : Physical Development
When did you start walking?
9 Months old -
Infancy : Physical Development
What fine/gross motor skills are used for these activities? The gross motor skill of moving from one leg to another and balancing. -
Early Childhood : Cognitive Development
Provide an example from your life that demonstrates at least one concept related to Piaget's stages of cognitive development? I used to play games with family and was unable to understand how they would have obviously won the game from their perspective. (Preoperational) -
Early Childhood : Emotional Development
How did family and friends/teachers describe you as a child? Was this the same or different from your infant temperament? I was very playful but shy, as an infant I was much less shy. -
Early Childhood : Cognitive Development
Describe an experience that made you aware of a certain concept of intelligence? I remember cooking with my mom and understanding that she was more intelligent than me and therefore she knew more about cooking than I did. -
Early Childhood : Cognitive Development
What sorts of interests did you have as a young child? Did this fit in with the research done on children's concept formation and categorization? I enjoyed playing with littlest pet shop dolls and as a girl that fits the typical type of toy that it would be expected for me to reach for. -
Late Childhood : Cognitive Development
Provide an example from your life that demonstrates at least one concept related to Piaget's stages of cognitive development? I remember taking quizzes about explaining that if 3+4=7 then 7-3=4 was true. (Concrete Operational) -
Late Childhood : Physical Development
How much excersize did you get, what types and how often? What were your feelings about physical activity? I would play kickpen on the playground almost every day. I loved running and being active. -
Late Childhood : Physical Development
What fine/gross motor skills are used for these activities? I needed gross motor skills to play kickpen and fine motor skills to play with rocks on the playground. -
Late Childhood : Cognitive Development
What is one way you remember your parents and/or teacher acting in a way that you know now helped your language development? My parents would call out words and give me choices for what the definition was to see if I could guess correctly. -
Adolescence : Physical Development
Did you enter puberty early or late compared to your peers and did that have any affect on you? I entered early and definitely became very self-conscious about it. -
Adolescence : Physical Development
How much excersize, how often, what kinds? Feelings about physical activity? I started to hate physical activity, the most I did was march in band. -
Adolescence : Physical Development
What fine/gross motor skills were used for these activities? Band required fine motor skills to play an instrument and gross motor skills to march. -
Adolescence : Cognitive Development
Provide an example from your life that demonstrates at least one concept related to Piaget's stages of cognitive development? I can remember beginning to ponder very existential questions like hoe space could be inifinite. (Operational) -
Adolescence : Emotional Development
How would Sternberg have described your most important relationship in adolescence? Companionate love with my childhood best friend. -
Adulthood : Physical Development
Level of physical activity now? I like to go out dancing and excersize enough to feel healthy. -
Adulthood : Physical Development
What fine/gross motor skills are used for these activities? mainly gross motor skills for dancing and working out. -
Adulthood : Emotional Development
Think of your closest relationship now. How would you describe that attachment style? secure attachement. -
Adulthood : Emotional Development
What classification of Sternberg's relationship is most appropriate now? somewhere between companionate love and consummate love. -
Adulthood : Cognitive Development
Provide an example from your life that demonstrates at least one concept related to Piaget's stages of cognitive development? I have existential conversations with my friends almost every day. We talk about why we need love so much in the world and the meaning of life. (Operational)