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Developmental Milestones

  • 1 month

    1 month
    Hearing is fully developed.
  • 2 months

    2 months
    Child will begin smiling at people, making sounds and turning towards sound, and paying attention to faces and tracking things with eyes. They should be able to hold their head up to some extent.
  • 4 months

    At this stage, the child will start to copy facial expressions and movements, copy sounds, and recognize familiar people and things. At this point, color vision should be fully developed.
  • 6 months

    By 6 months, the baby should be responding to others' emotions, and responding to outside stimuli with noises or other body language. They will show curiosity by attempting to grab things that are out of their reach, and they may be ready to start eating solid foods (though this varies).
  • 7 months

    They should know their name by this time.
  • 8-12 months

    By this time, the child should have spoken their first word, though this can happen as early as 4 or 5 months.
  • 8-18 months

    8-18 months
    They should start walking with supports by now.
  • 9 months

    9 months
    By this time, the child should understand "no" and maybe some basic commands. They will point at things that they notice.
  • 12 months

    By 12 months, they should understand simple sentences and directions.
  • 18 months

    18 months
    The baby should be walking without any help.
  • 2 years

    2 years
    They should be speaking full 2-4 word sentences. They will also begin to show defiant behavior, and will exhibit more independence.