2 months
Begins to smile Language:
Coos Cognitive:
Pay attention to faces Physical Development:
Can hold up head -
4 months
copies movements Language:
Babbles Cognitive:
Reacts to affection Physical Development:
May be able to roll over -
6 months
Responds to other people's emotions and often happy Language:
Responds to name Cognitive:
Shows curiosity and tries to get things out of reach Physical Development:
Begins to sit without support -
9 months
May be afraid of strangers Language:
Understands "no" Cognitive:
Looks for things it sees you hide Physical Development:
Stands holding on -
1 year
Is shy or nervous with stangers Language:
Tries to say words you say Cognitive:
Looks at the right object when named Physical Development:
May stand alone -
18 months
Shows affections to familiar people Language:
Says several single words Cognitive:
Knows what ordinary things are for Physical Development:
May walk up steps and run -
2 years
Shows defiant behavior Language:
Knows names of familiar people and body parts Cognitive:
Begins to sort shapes and colors Physical Development:
Climbs onto and down from furnitire without help -
3 years
Shows a wide range of emotions Language:
Talks well enough for strangers to understand most of the time Cognitive:
Can work toys with bottons, levers, and moving parts Physical Development:
Climbs well -
4 years
Would rather play with other children than by himself Language:
Knows some basic rules of grammer Cognitive:
Starts to understand time Physical Development:
Hops and stands on one foor up to 2 seconds -
5 years
Wants to be liked Language:
Speaks very clearly Cognitive:
Knows about things used everyday, like money and food Physical Development:
Can use the toilet on it's own