Development Timeline

By Mr Bean
  • Period: to


  • Birth

    This was the day I was born.
  • First day of Kindergarden

    First day of Kindergarden
    That was the first day I went to Kindergarden
  • A usual soccer game

    A usual soccer game
    I play soccer since I was 4 years old. This picture shows me playing soccer in 2016.
  • Cheetah on our Safari car

    Cheetah on our Safari car
    When I was 11 years old we did a Safari in Africa. Suddenly a cheetah jumped on our car that was open roof.
  • Period: to


  • League champions soccer

    League champions soccer
    2019 my team won our soccer league.
  • 1st drum concert

    1st drum concert
    I played my first drums concert.
  • New York

    New York
    My first trip on my own to New York. Before I then flew to Canon City to spend my exchange year. In this picture you can see the Times Square.
  • Corn Maze

    Corn Maze
    A nice experience with my friends
  • Period: to


  • Travel around the world

    Travel around the world
    After I graduate I want to travel around the world and visit a lot of different places.
  • Graduate high school

    Graduate high school
    I want to graduate high school in Germany.
  • Choose a career I like

    Choose a career I like
    I am not really sure yet what I want to study. I want to find out what I like.
  • Marriage

    I would like to marry someday.
  • buy a house

    buy a house
    Having my own house is another future goal.
  • Have kids

    Have kids
    I would like to have a family.