Development Over Lifespan

  • conception - physical

    physical -ovum & sperm join; spinal cord develops first
  • conception - intellectual

    intellectual - Brain cells begin to grow + Basic wiring forms
  • conception - emotional

    emotional - parents may be stressed + parents may be excited
  • conception - social

    social - family + doctors
  • conception - activities

    activities - growing + dividing
  • newborn - physical

    physical - have all 5 senses + movements are controlled by reflexes
  • newborn - intellectual

    intellectual - immediately begins processing info + prefer parents' faces
  • newborn - emotional

    emotional - cries when uncomfortable + smiles when asleep
  • newborn - social

    social - grandparents + siblings
  • newborn - activities

    activities - playing with parents + being held and rocked
  • toddler - physical

    physical - walks alone + can grab small objects
  • toddler - intellectual

    intellectual - recognize themselves in mirror + begins to say 'no'
  • toddler - emotional

    emotional - very attached to parents + resists being separated
  • toddler - social

    social - family + other children
  • toddler - activities

    activities - daycare + playing with larger toys
  • preschool - physical

    physical - walks with agility + hop several times on one foot
  • preschool - intellectual

    intellectual - reality isn't firm + more social
  • preschool - emotional

    emotional - fantasy worlds + give living qualities to nonliving objects
  • preschool - social

    social - classmates + parents
  • preschool - activities

    activities - start school + beginner sports
  • Middle Childhood - Emotional

    Fragile self-esteem + change rapidly between adult and childlike personalities
  • Middle Childhood - Physical

    Strength increases + Develop skills in complex areas
  • Middle Childhood - Intellectual

    Organized, logical thought + Concrete problem solving
  • Middle Childhood - Social

    Classmates + teachers
  • Middle Childhood - Activities

    School + after-school activities
  • Adolescence - Physical

    Puberty + Growth
  • Adolescence - Intellectual

    Question old values + Mature sense of themselves
  • Adolescence - Emotional

    Highly Emotional + Intense growth
  • Adolescence - Social

    Friends + relationships
  • Adolescence - Activities

    School + hang out with friends
  • Early Adulthood - Intellectual

    Cognitive development peaks + relativistic thinking
  • Early Adulthood - Emotional

    Romantic relationships + self-esteem may improve
  • Adolescence - Social

    Co-workers + Friends
  • Early Adulthood - Activities

    Job + College
  • Early Adulthood - Physical

    Physical maturation done + growth may increase slightly
  • Middle Adulthood - Physical

    Gray hairs + vision problems
  • Middle Adulthood - Intellectual

    Cognitive development declines + post-formal thought becomes useful
  • Middle Adulthood - Emotional

    "Mid-life crisis" + less problems with children
  • Middle Adulthood - Social

    Spouse + Children
  • Middle Adulthood - Activities

    Job + children's activities
  • Older Adulthood - Physical

    Skin loses elasticity + memory degenerates
  • Older Adulthood - Intellectual

    Response speed slows + Alzheimers
  • Older Adulthood - Emotional

    Depression + dependent on others
  • Older Adulthood - Social

    Grandchildren + Children
  • Older Adulthood - Activities

    Staying at home + baby-sitting