Alexander Graham Bell coins the terms Special Education
Columbia University begins its formal education for teachers for persons that are blind -
Intelligence testing begins
The basis for the modern IQ test was created by Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon -
Council for Exceptional Children
This council is founded -
Autism Identified
The characteristics of Autism are identified by Leo Kanner -
Asperger Syndrome Identified
The characteristics of Asperger Syndrome are identified by Dr. Hans Asperger -
Brown vs. Board of Education
History Channel link
This court decision led to the thought that this is also the case with Special Education - "separate cannot be equal" -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
The first federal law that directly addressed students with disabilities and allowed funding to states to help create and improve programs and services for them -
Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children vs. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Education had to be tailored to meet needs of children with intellectual disabilities and those children are entitled to a free public education
Article -
Education of the Handicapped Act (EAHCA)
The amendment to the ESEA, which is considered to be the basis for all future special education practices. -
Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)
EAHCA was amended and renamed IDEA and is still known by this name. -
Provisions added to IDEA
Provisions that were added to this law include: zero reject, free appropriate public education, least restrictive environment, nondiscriminatory evaluation, parent and family rights to confidentiality, and procedural safeguards
IDEA website