Development of safety features in vehicles

  • Seat belt

    Seat belt
    The first seat belt was introduced in 1959 by volvo.
    Victoria became the first state in the world to make seat belts but were for the front seats only. it became compulsory to wear them in 1970, and Nsw the following year. This had decrease about 50% of drivers being admitted that go into hospital. the seatbelt protects the head and spinal cord, and when in a crash the seatbelt contacts and protects the the stronger parts of the body usually the hips and shoulders.
  • Airbags

    Airbags were first developed in the 1960s then later in 1993 to be first introduced in the drivers seat. airbags have made a significant contribution to reducing injury and death in crashes. airbags inflate under specific conditions using sensors, its main goal is to protect the driver/passenger. it mainly protects the driver or passenger from making contact to the interior in a crash.
  • Tyres

    Modern tyres now have all different types of grips to handle the toughest terrains and conditions, especially in rainy weathers.
  • anti lock brakes

    anti lock brakes
    the earliest sytems were first used in Aircrafts. it then later showed that it was good for on road vehicles kept devloping more features in the 1970s. the main purpose of te anti lock brake system is to prevent a cars wheels from locking during panic breaking. allowing the car to have more control, thus preventing crashes and injuries.
  • Parking sensors

    Parking sensors
    in the 1990s became the devlopment of the Parking sensor and later introduced in 2000 but not as good as the more modern ones which came out a few years after. parking sensors alert the driver to see unseen obstacles during parking. this system has prevented injury and problems by helping parking to those who are still learning, like l drivers.