Jan 1, 604
The Seventeen Article Constitution of Japan
The Seventeen Article Constitution of Japan The Seventeen Article Constitution of Japan was written by Prince Shôtoku in 604, as he was eager to develop political leadership. He learned how to read and write in Chinese so that he could follow their example, and shaped law in Japan - a country which was just beginning to develop. -
Jan 1, 700
Fingerprinting is Invented
At this time, China was using fingerprinting as a way to identify people. -
Jan 1, 1215
Magna Carta
Magna Carta The Magna Carta is a document that King John of England was forced to sign. It made him govern by the old English laws and greatly limited his power. It had 61 clauses, and basically served as a blueprint for English law of the future. -
The English Bill of Rights
The English Bill of Rights
The English Bill of Rights preceded the American Bill of Rights, and was established in 1689. It greatly limited the Royal Family's power (especially in relation/compared to) parliament. Most importantly, it was created so that people knew their religon, laws, and liberties would not be taken away from them. -
Salem Witch Trials
Salem Witch Trials
In January of 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts, a group of young women began behaving bizarrely. When doctors examined them and found nothing wrong, the conclusion was that witches had invaded the town. This turned into a judicial issue and hundreds of people were accused of practicing witchcraft, some of witch were executed. -
South Carolina Slave Code
South Carolina Slave Code The South Carolina Slave Code was a series of laws created in 1740 that were aimed at controlling the African American slave population. It served as the model for slavery in other states, until after the American Civil War. -
The American Declaration of Independence
American Declaration of Independence The American Declaration of Independence basically was a document to signify that a new country, the United States of America, existed. It was the first document to say that 'all men are created equal', which was a big deal. -
The Constitution of the United States of America
The Constitution of the United States of America The Constitution was made of up seven articles, and was the foundation to the first republican government in the world. It defined and described each instituion, and served as a mdel for constituions created by other nations, in the future. -
The American BIll of Rights
The American Bill of Rights The American Bill of Rights is made up of the first ten ammendments of the constitution. It basical reinforced individual rights, as well as setting further limitations of what the government and state could and could not do. -
Justinian's Code
Code of Justinian Justinian's Code is a collection of laws commissioned by the Byzantine emperor Justinian I. However, these were not 'legal code', but more of a reference of works containing past laws, extracts of opinions of Roman jurists, an elementary outline of the law, as well as some of Emperor Justinian's new laws.