Development of archaeology over time

  • 18th century

    During this period archaeology wasn't actually a field of study, but instead it was treasure hunting. Many of the sites found were accidental discoveries. Treasure hunting in the early stages was often very destructive. Early treasure hunters used battering rams and dynamite to blast their way into egyptian pyramids and tombs. discoveries such as pompeii actually propelled the development of archaeology. During treasure hunting there was no scientific techniques used.
  • 19th century

    Archaeology had advanced in the 19th century and was significantly less destructive. This was around the time when scientific archaeology advanced with studies of geology and biology. There was many new approaches and methods Three-Age System, Systematic method of naming + recording buildings + casting moulds, military precision and recording methods, organisation and sequence dating, box-grid method.
  • 20th century

    This was around the time when archaeologists had tools for dating sites and artefacts.Excavation, conservation and reconstruction e.g. palace of Knossos, Crete which revealed and named the minoan civilisation. Meticulous recording and conservation e.g. discovered tomb of Tutankhamun which was almost intact providing valuable information on royal burial. More 'modern' archaeologist and methods.