Democratic Health Care Hillary Clinton

  • Hillary Clinton supports Universal care and attacks Obama for expecting anything less.

    Hillary Clinton supports Universal care and attacks Obama for expecting anything less.
    Hillary thinks that Obama is in the wrong attacking her on universal health saying "Since when do other democrats attack other democrats on Health Care." At this time Clinton supports Universal Health care.
  • Hillary bashes Bernie Sanders for trying to achieve universal health care.

    Hillary bashes Bernie Sanders for trying to achieve universal health care.
    Hillary flip flops from her original stance of supporting universal health care. Clinton Clinton said that "we are never, ever," have universal health care coverage in this country. Hillary was saying that Obamacare was the country's best option.
  • Hillary reverses stance on health care once again.

    Hillary reverses stance on health care once again.
    Hillary after saying that universal health care will never be reached switches her opinion. As now Hillary says “I know we can finish the job of achieving universal health care.” This means that Clinton now supports this type of coverage after just switching her uopinion to Obamacare.