Dec 15, 1215
The Magna Carta
The Magna Carta was created so that the privileged classes (and later on all citezens) were protected agianst heavy-handed and arbitrary acts by the king. The document prevented the power of the monarcy to not be absolute. -
The Petition of Right
The Petition of Right was created to limit the kings power. The document demanded that the king no longer imprison or otherwise punish any person but by the lawful judgement of his peers, or by the law of the land -
English Bill of Rights
The English Bill of Rights was created to prevent abuse of power by William and Mary and all future monarchs and Parlement. The document prohibited a standing army in peacetime, except with the consent of Parlement, and required that all parlementary elections be free. -
Alabany Plan of Union
The Alabany Plan of Union was created to create peace with the Native Amaricans. The document agreed that each delegates from the 13 colonies to have the power to raise military and naval forces, make war and peace with the Native Americans, regulate trade with them, tax, and collect custom duties. -
Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence was created was to seperate the 13 colonies from England rule. The document gave the colonies independence and prevented unjust ruling over the states. -
Articles of Confederation
The Articles of Confederation was created to unite the former colonies. This document established a firm league of freandship among the States. Each State kept its sovereignty, freedom, and independence but the States would come together for their common defense, the security of their Liberties, and their mutusl and general welfare. -
Virginia Plan
The Virginia Plan was created because it wanted a new government with three seperate branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. This document limited the power that would be held over the States. -
New Jersey Plan
The New Jersey Plan was created because smaller States wanted "State equality" to be put in order. The document retained the unicameral Congress of the Confederation, with each of the States equally represented. -
Constitution of The United States
The Constitution of The United States was created because the original organization of the new states under the Articles of Confederation failed to turn the individual colonies into a true nation. This document defines the government, describes how it is organized and how the people who make it up are to be chosen and specifies what powers the government can and can not exercise. -
Connecticut Compromise
The Connecticut Compromise (The Great Compromise) was created to settle the dispute over the Verginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. This document agreed the Congress should be composed of two houses. In the smaller Senate, the States would be represented equally. In the House the representation of each State would be based upon its population.