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Delphi from Past to Present

  • 100

    Origins before years this timeline allows

    Origins before years this timeline allows
    One day Zeus determined to find the center of the Earth, Gaia. He sent out two eagles flying from either side of the earth and the two eagles crashed together over Delphi, proclaiming it the navel of the world. From that day on, Delphi has been a sacred site. It has housed oracles whom mythical heroes and ancients have visited. These ancients include the likes of Lycurgus, Xerxes, Lysander, Philip of Macedon, Alexander the Great, and even great Roman emperors such as Hadrian.
  • Jan 1, 600

    Kastri village takes over Delphi

    Kastri village takes over Delphi
    During the 7th Century a town sprang up upon the ruins of Delphi and kept it partially intact and hidden from the outside world for over a millenia.
  • Nov 1, 1440

    Christophe Buondelmonti writes about Delphi

    Christophe Buondelmonti writes about Delphi
    “Dodone possédait un temple de jupiter, dans lequel, dit-on, deux colombes avaient coutume de descendre du ciel, et perchées sur de vieux chênes, de répondre aux questions qu'on leur adressait. L'une d'elles, paraît-il, s'envola à Delphes et l'autre au temple d'Ammon en afrique.”

    From: "Le Voyage en Orient : anthologie des voyageurs français dans le Levant au XIXe siècle." Edited by: Jean-Claude Berchet
  • Delphi 'discovered'

    Delphi 'discovered'
    The ancient site of Delphi is somewhat rediscovered as men on their Grand Tour try to identify ancient sites
  • Early tentative excavations by Germans

    Early tentative excavations by Germans
    Early tentative excavations of Delphi are completed by German architect Edmund Laurent.
  • Excavations of Moreus help identify Delphi

    During the early 19th C. excavations in Moreus help to identify the ancient site of Delphi, hidden under the town of Kastri.
  • A Dinner at Delphi

    A Dinner at Delphi
    Edward Dodwell is honored with a dinner upon his arrival in Delphi/Kastri and paints a picture of his time. Image from:
  • The Castilian Spring at Delphi

    The Castilian Spring at Delphi
    An illustration of the Castilian spring at Delphi c. 1820 Image found at:
  • Period: to

    Kastri villagers vs. The French

    Villagers from Kastri learn that the French from the French School of Athens are trying to buy them out of their houses. In order to excavate Delphi, the FSA needed to relocate the village of Kastri and deconstruct the homes which literally used the ruins as foundations. More people move to the village in order to gain money from the French for their houses, they also loot and ruin some of the site because they know artifacts will be valuable in the future.
  • Jean-Alexandre Bouchon visits Delphi

    Jean-Alexandre Bouchon visits Delphi
    “À l’autre extrémité de cette gorge, bien haut aussi, au pied de rochers aux coleurs chaudes de porphyre, est le village de Castri, bâti sur les ruines de la célèbre Delphes.”
    “Dès qu’on est parvenu sur le haut des collines on aperçoit la baie de Salona, le golfe de Corinthe, et, dans le lointain, les montagnes du Péloponesse.” pg. 190
    From: "Le voyage en Grèce : anthologie du moyen âge à l’époque contemporaine." Edited by Hervé Duchêne.
  • Gustave Flaubert describes his accomodations at Delphi

    Gustave Flaubert describes his accomodations at Delphi
    “La chamber où nous avons couché hier avait un bon aspect; enfermé dans ma pelisse, et ma couverture de Bédouin sur les jambs, je l’ai longuement considérée en fumant me pipe, couché sur mon lit….Il a plu toute la nuit, à travers mon sommeil j’entendais les rafales qui descendaient de la montagne de Delphes.” From: "Le Voyage en Orient : anthologie des voyageurs français dans le Levant au XIXe siècle." Edited by: Jean-Claude Berchet
  • Gustave Flaubert describes the Delphi site

    Gustave Flaubert describes the Delphi site
    “Dans les environs, le terrain semble indiquer un théâtre et un tronçon de construction concave; le stade, nous dit le guide, était au-dessus.” From: "Le Voyage en Orient : anthologie des voyageurs français dans le Levant au XIXe siècle." Edited by: Jean-Claude Berchet

    An earthquake rattles Kastri/Delphi and makes its excavation imperative.
  • Portrait of a Woman

    Portrait of a Woman
    A woman from Delphi in traditional garb image found at:
  • Portrait fo a Man

    Portrait fo a Man
    Portrait of a man in traditional dress at Delphi image found at:
  • Rights of Excavation given to French

    Rights of Excavation given to French
    The exclusive rights to excavate Delphi are granted to the French.
  • Bye Bye Villagers

    Bye Bye Villagers
    The French School of Athens is finally able to allocate funding to buy out the villagers and move Kastri to another site, creating the modern town.
  • Period: to


    The French School of Athens begins excavating Delphi. Many treasures are found along the way such as the Statue of Antinos, and the Charioteer. Excavations have continued all the up until modern day with periods of delay in between.
  • Introduction of Museums

    Introduction of Museums
    The first museum is built on site through the plans of Albert Tournaire and funded by Andreas Syngros. A museum was needed to house all of the artifacts found during excavation, most notable the Statue of Antonos. image:
  • The progression of excavation

    The progression of excavation
    An updated look at the archeological site at Delphi c. 1905 image found at:
  • Photo of the original musuem interior

    Photo of the original musuem interior
    A photo documenting an interior room of the original museum. image found at :
  • The museum gets a makeover

    The museum gets a makeover
    The on site museum recieves massive ammounts of artifacts from the French School of Athens. The museum is also renovated and made larger to accompany the new artifacts. The architect of the redesign was Patroklos Karantinos.