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Daves Timeline

  • Birth

    When i was born, a man was made, that man is me. I was born april 28th 1999. ive been a man since i was born, that is the beginning of my timeline
  • Why I love phones so much

    Why I love phones so much
    When i was a little kid i use to play with my grandmas phone. I had it more then she did most of the time so she gave me a phone to play with as a child, then eventually i started working on phones
  • Why i love video games

    Why i love video games
    I love video games because i use to play them when i was growing up, ive always loved video games
  • Why i like to workout

    Why i like to workout
    I love to workout because when i was little my uncle came back from the army and he made me run with him every weekend, so therefore i started going to the gym with him and ive been doing it by myself occasionally.
  • Why i started smoking

    Why i started smoking
    when i started hanging around people who smoke, i started to pick up the habit, I mean i try to stop, but i have developed a habit, I still smoke now but i dont do it as much as i use to.
  • Why i love sports

    Why i love sports
    my whole life ive loved football and soccer, i played soccer my 6th grade year in Detroit, and i also played Football. So thats why i love to play sports now,
  • Mechanical history

    Mechanical history
    My first job ever was at a mechanical shop, My uncle kory had a friend who owned one and i would help the guy work on cars that he had in his shop, so ever since then i loved to work on thing having to do with mechanical stuff.
  • I love to research nature

    I love to research nature
    when i was little i always wanted to research nature and wild animals and plants. When i moved to arkansas that gave me a chance to do so, so i love doing that for free time other then technology things
  • I love to adventure!

    I love to adventure!
    ever since ive moved to arkansas, i loved going in the woods and exploring, i loved to go and make clubhouses and hideout spots deep in the woods, its fun looking at nature
  • Why i like school

    Why i like school
    well ever since last year i noticed that if i do something good in school i can make it, all the talents that i have cab actually help in me being successful so therefore, if i work hard in school i could turn my life into something interesting.