Dark ages

Dark Ages

  • 476

    Fall of Rome

    Fall of Rome
    During this time, Rome was overrun by Barbarians that came from North and East Europe. This was not the only time that Rome was experiencing huge migrations that were determined to defeat the excisting armies for their own benefit. The collapse of Rome was the final when Rome was now conquered by Visigoth Odoacer and his men.
  • Period: 476 to Jan 1, 1300

    Dark Ages

  • Jan 1, 610


    Muhammad claims that God revealed to him messages about being concerened of his life. However, the messages had come from Gabriel the angel, but Muhammad claimed that God came to him so that he could publish out the religion. Muhammad's revelations are what now is the Qu'ran.
  • Aug 15, 717

    Second Siege if Constantinople

    Second Siege if Constantinople
    Caliph Sulieman sends 120,000 Muslims under the command of his brother to Moslemah to launch their second siege while taking advantage of the civil unrest of the Byzantine Empire. At the same time a force of 100,000 Muslims arrived from Egypt and Syria to assist, but the Greek Fire destroys them. Eventually, the people living in Constantinople begin to starve and, in the winter, the Muslims begin to freeze to death. Then, help comes from the Bulgarians and destroy the Muslim forces.
  • Oct 17, 1009

    Holy Sepulcher Church

    Holy Sepulcher Church
    The Holy Sepulcher Church which was once built by Constantine was partly destroyed. The caliph of Egypt, al-Hakim, ordered for the destruction of this holy site. The destruction was not total, but because the high elevations fell, the bottom was a diffuculty for workers to get to. After this, the site was closed down from the Christians for forty years.
  • Jan 1, 1024

    China Issues Money

    China Issues Money
    The issuing of money descends from the T'ang Dynasty, but the Song Dynasty had the goverment actually taking over the job as mining legal tender paper. The printing of paper was used for exchange which backed up by deposit or "cash".
  • Jan 1, 1187

    The Capture of Jerusalem

    The Capture of Jerusalem
    Saladin made himself the sultan of Egypt, so he united the Muslims of Syria to take them against the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. The Christians met then to battle near the Lake of Galilee. Saladin and his forces had the defeat and had the king captured. Saladin enjoyed his victory, so he had the pleasure of the Christian cities of Syria to surrender to him, and soon enough Jerusalem surrendered, after a short siege.
  • May 31, 1223

    Battle at Kalka River

    Battle at Kalka River
    This battle was between the Mongols lead by the Subtia, and the Cumans. This fight was part of the invasion of Russia, and the Mongols won the fight. On this day, the Mongol armies causes Caucasus, and seven princes of Russia were killed. It is known that the Russian troops had a disadvantage,during the battle , because of the uncoordination throught their actions.
  • The Zanj Slaves' Rebellion

    The Zanj Slaves' Rebellion
    869-883: This rebel act started out very humble because the forces were armed with sticks, horses, and three swords. The purpose to this act was to declare war on slavery and the Holy Empire of Islam. After their humble acts, the Zanj began to adept to night raids on enemy's territory while liberating weapons, horses, food and fellow slaves. During the fifteen years, the Zanj became acquired by the state of art, technology like:catapults, flame throwers, rapid chariots, and multi-headed arrows.
  • Husayn

    Husayn Ibn Ali died in the year 680 during the Battle of Karbala.He was a Shi'te Muslim leader and grandson of Muhammad. On this day, Husayn was heading to Kufah with a small group of relatives and his followers. Since, Husayn was heading for a revolt against the Umayyad's ruler Yazid. Because of this, the governor of Iraq had 4,000 men arrest Husayn and his people. Husayn was then set and trapped by the Euphrates River where he refused to surrender causing himself and his people's slay.
  • Treaty of Verdun

    Treaty of Verdun
    This treaty was partitioning the Carolingian Empire among the three surviving sons of Louis I who was the emperor. The treaty was the first step towards the dissolution of the empire of Charlemagne which foreshadowed the future formation to the coutries in Western Europe. After the death of Louis I, the three sons signed this treaty to divide the empire in three major sections.