Period: to
Resume Created
I created my first resume to hand out to different work places to get my first job. -
Job Interview
I had my first job interview in the summer of 2015 at the Dollar Giant, I didn't get the job because I was 15 and they only hired at ages 16 and up. -
I got the grade nine honours award for getting an average of 80 and above in my grade nine year at Parkside. -
Certificates Earned
By this time I will have all my certifications for life gaurding and being a swimming instructor. -
Buy First Car
At this time I want to buy my first car right after I get my g2 and have enough money saved up. -
High school Graduation
This is the year I graduate from high school. -
I would like to relocate when I go to University and even when I'm finished University because I don't want to live here for the rest of my life. -
Start of Post-Secondary
My first year at University. My dream University is a music school in California that has a program for music managment and marketing. -
Move out of your gardian's house
Right after I graduate high school I want to move out and go to Univirsity so as soon as I can move out I will. -
Work Experience
My experience will be life guarding at the Jaycees pool by my house. Since I have all my qualifications for life gaurding. I'll work there to get money until I go away for University. -
Rent my own Apartment
After my first year of University I want to rent an apartment somewhere in California. I want to spend my first year on campus, then hopefully meet some close friends that I can rent an apartment with. -
Completion of Post-Secondary
I'm not sure how long I'll be in University for because for the job I want you technically don't need any schooling at all, but I still do want to go to University. -
Start of Career
By this time I would like to have started my career and my dream job is to work at a record label as a talent manger/producer. My main goal is to work in the music mangament and marketing side of music. -
Life Change- Family
Around this time in my life I would like to have a husband and maybe even have my first kid.