Dane Garcia Timeline

  • Hello World Here I Come!

    Hello World Here I Come!
    I was born to tracy and martin garcia and born in Oak Lawn
  • 8th Garde

    8th Garde
    This year i want to take spanish class to be able to talk to my grandparents when they come to America
  • Im A Freshman!

    Im A Freshman!
    I hope to make the basketball team this year and if not this year im really hoping for next year.
  • Hello Richards

    Hello Richards
    Treat me well on ym way to adulthood in this well civalized school.
  • Im A Softmore

    Im A Softmore
    I hope to be in dvanced math and reading this year to give myself a better education.
  • I Get My First Car

    I Get My First Car
    I get my first car it is a Nisan
  • Im A Junior

    I hope to get a grade point average of 3.0 and try to make the honor roll by the end of the year
  • Time For Graduation

    Time For Graduation
    Some problems that stand in my way to avhiening my dream is i might not be able to gater enough money to go to colleage.
  • Im A Senior

    Im A Senior
    Last year of high school going great and havent gotten into any trouble during my time at richard and i hope to make the honor roll for graduation
  • Im Going To Chicago Universtity

    Im Going To Chicago Universtity
    Im going to colleage to be a software maneger with a masters degree.
  • Im Going To Chicago University

    Im Going To Chicago University
    Im going to colleage to be a software maneger with a masters degree
  • My Colleage Graduation

    I hope my family is there to see me and support me on my way to a sucseeful life.
  • I Get A Job

    I Get A Job
    I get a job as a video game desinger and a software maneger.
  • I Get Married

    I Get Married
    I get married to my butiful bride and i have Xavier as my best man.
  • I Have Kids

    I Have Kids
    They're girls I think I will name them Zoey and Ashley
  • I Make The Best Selling Video Game In The World!

    I Make The Best Selling Video Game In The World!
    I make the best selling viedo game in the world in LiiMiT studios this game took us 6 months to make plus testing.
  • I Retire

    I Retire
    I retire from LiiMiT studios to settle down and live happy the rest of my life with my wife.
  • Death To Dane

    Death To Dane
    I die and i got to be 101 years old I lived a good life but its time for me to depart into the afterlife.