Czars of the Russian Empire

  • Apr 5, 1462

    Ivan the Great

    Ivan the Great
    Ivan the Great was great because he was the first "Czar" even though he wasn't called that at the time. He tripled the land of Russia and was a good leader.
  • Dec 3, 1533

    Ivan the Terrible

    Ivan the Terrible
    Ivan the Terrible was the great conqueror of Russia. He added aboout a million acres of land to Russia. He was terrible because he was a murderer and he killed his own family.
  • Mikhail Feodorovich

    Mikhail Feodorovich
    Mikhail made a new type of goverment. He suffered from a terrible leg injury that prevented him from walking.
  • Peter the Great

    Peter the Great
    Peter modernized Russia. He made the army, goverment and navy modern.
  • Sofia Alexeevna

    Sofia Alexeevna
    She created a new education system that educated children in latin and greek.
  • Cathrine the Great

    Cathrine the Great
    Longest ruling female czar in Russia. She reigned in what was called the golden age of Russia. She made life better for the common citizen.
  • Nicholas I

    Nicholas I
    He was slightly dictatorish, but he maade life a bit better for the serfs and tried to fix the goverment and succseded somewhat.
  • Alexander II

    Alexander II
    Alexander refined judicial system and emancipated serfs. He also sold Alaska to the U.S.A
  • Alexander III

    Alexander III
    Was emporor of Russia, King of Poland and grand prince of Findland. He was a pacifist and was in no wars.
  • Nicholas II

    Nicholas II
    Russia went from a great power to a military and economic collapes under the rule of Nicholas II.