
Czars of the Russian Empire

  • Period: Jan 22, 1400 to

    Russian Empire

  • Jan 22, 1462

    Ivan III

    Ivan III
    ruled from 1462 to 1505. He defeated the people of novgrod and expanded russias empire further than ever before.
  • Aug 25, 1547

    Ivan IV

    Ivan IV
    ruled from 1547 to 1584. He was called ivan the terrible because he was very cruel and he murdered his faimily and his heir.
  • Mikhail Feodorovich

    Mikhail Feodorovich
    ruled from 1596 to 1645. He was elected from his connections and was a very kind and gentle prince.
  • Sofia Alexeevna

    Sofia Alexeevna
    ruled from 1682 to 1689. She ws the first female regency of russia.
  • Peter the great

    Peter the great
    ruled from 1721 to 1725. He led the great northren war.
  • Catherine the Great

    Catherine the Great
    ruled from 1762 to 1796. She was the golden age of russia, sh expanded and conquered the land going as far as alaska.
  • Nicholas I

    Nicholas I
    ruled from 1825 to 1855. He restrained the russian society, they built thier first railroad and icreased the education of the people.
  • Alexander II

    Alexander II
    ruled from 1855 to 1881. He reorganized the judicial system for the russian govrenment. He also sold alaska to the US in 1867.
  • Alexander III

    Alexander III
    ruled from 1881 to 1894. He spent his rule trying to undo the political damage his father had done.
  • Nicholas II

    Nicholas II
    ruled from 1894 to 1917. They called him bloody nicholas because of bloody sunday the day he exicuted his political opponents.