Czars of the Russian Empire

  • Jan 16, 1472

    Ivan the great

    Ivan the great
    Ivan the Great tripled the size of Moscows Territory.
  • May 8, 1547

    Ivan the Terrible

    Ivan the Terrible
    Ivan the Terrible was the first Russian ruler to be crowned formally as Czar
  • Mikihail Feodorovich

    Mikihail Feodorovich
    Michael was unanimously elected czar of Russia by a national assembly on 21 February 1613.
  • Sofia Alexeevnza

    Sofia Alexeevnza
    On May 29, 1682, she became Regent to Ivan and Peter, and thus effectively the ruler of Russia.
  • Peter the great

    Peter the great
  • Catherine the Great

    Catherine the Great
    Perhaps one of the most important leaders of the Russian Empire, Catherine the Second, or "The Great," helped set the foundations for the Russian “Westernization” in the 19th and 20th centuries.
  • Nicholas the 1at

    Nicholas the 1at
    In his last years, Nicholas I led the Russian army in the unsuccessful Crimean War.
  • Alexander II

    Alexander II
    Alexander sold Alaska to the United States in 1867, fearing the remote colony would fall into British hands if there was another war.
  • Alexander the III

    Alexander the III
    During Alexander's reign Russia fought no major wars, for which he was styled "The Peacemaker" .
  • Nicholas II

    Nicholas II
    His reign saw Imperial Russia go from being one of the foremost great powers of the world to economic and military collapse