
By JackG
  • Period: to


  • Assessment Outcomes

    AO3 To analyze forensic evidence data and information to identify security breaches and manage identities.
    AO4 To evaluate protection methods and security documentation to make reasoned judgements and conclusions based on there efficacy.
    AO5 To be able to plan a secure computer network and manage security incidents with correct justification.
  • Assessment Outcomes

    AO1 To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of technical language, threats and system vulnerabilities, this includes phishing ad worms and other malware.
    AO2 To apply knowledge and understanding of security threats, system vulnerabilities and protection methods and implications to assess systems.
  • Introduction to CyberSecurity

    Our increased reliance on a computer system carries on to make us vulnerable to attacks from cyber criminals, this means it is a must for organizations to have robust plans in place to deal with such an act.
    In this unit I will examine the different types of cyber security attacks and the consequences of these attacks, this also includes the the techniques that are used to defend against these. We will also examine real life examples of these attacks and defenses.