baby born (:
12 To 15 Months
-Large motor skils
May stand alone without support for a short time.
May be able to walk a few steps alone.
sits by collapsing when first taking steps.
crawls forward with varying speed.
-Small Motor Skills
has improved grasping skills.
can open small, hinged box.
builds small towers of blocks
uses spoon, spilling little. -
12 To 15 Months
begins to form concepts. notices actions of other children and adults . loves to mimic all actions.
explores diferrent features of objects as if studying them.
has a very short memory and almost forethought.
slowly increase vocavulary to 4-6 words
may used sounds to indicate specifict objects
babbles with expression -
16 To 18 Months
may be able to walk
stand on the foot with support
walk really wast and run
jump with boths feet
-small motors
may show hand in preference in all activities
like to grab anything
add hands gesture -
16 To 18 Months
gradually refines concepts.
remember where objects belong
has short attention span
identifies pictures in books "doggies abd "ball".
vocabulary increaso to 6-10 words
used words stead of gestures to express: "up " or "cookies" -
19 to 20 Months
-Large Motor skills
runs without falling often.
walks up and down stairs with help.
loves to run, jump and climb
can kick large ball without stepping on it.
-small motor skills
holds two objects in hand easily.
builds tower of five or six blocks
can fold piece of paper once imitating demonstration. -
19 to 21 months
progressess from simple imitation to imaginative play.
can obtein familiar objects from different room when asked.
is interested in tiny things such as bugs.
completes simple jigsaw puzzle of two or three pieces.
has vocabulary of about 20 words
responds to speech with speech
combines two different words.
constantly ask "what's that?" -
22 to 24 months
is curios about objects in enviroment; feels squeezes, pulls and pushes objects.
identifies familiar objects on TV screen.
may be able to recall what is lost and where it might be.
may be able to draw crude pictures and interpret what they are.
has vocabulary of 50 or more words.
ask for fod when hungry and water when thirsty .
understand ans ask for "another" and "more." -
22 to 24 months
-larger motor skills
walks with more coordination and assurance.
lacks ability to start efficiently or stop quickly while running.
can seat self in small chair with ease.
jumps with both feet off the floor .
can throw ball into basket.
-small motors skills.
shows increases coordination and smoother hand and finger movements.
snios paper with scissors
holds crayon with thumb and fingers. -
24 To 30 Months
improve motors skill as torso lengthens and baby fats begins to disappear .
climbs every where.
kick balls forwards throw ball over head
open doors.
can remove wraping ( from gum and candy)
carefully turn pages
can soap arms and hans easy
tears paper. -
24 To 30 Months
interested in childrens tv show .
can fallow a 2 step commands.
distinguishes between before and after .
remember sequences of strories .
likes to listen to tapes (story)
enjoy playing house(imitating family)
vocabulary start over 200 and increaso over 500 words
used 2 wods sentences.
refers to self by name: they learn to use pronound
enjoy leaning names
use words to make request -
30 To 36 months
love to be in constant motion running or walking .
enjoy games involving running.
goes up stairs with alternative feets but come down with one foot at the time,
climb quickly.
jumps from any elevate object.
catches larges ball withs arms.
scribbles and draws .
like to paint using full amrs .
takes obkest apart .
build tower of 6 block
eat with fork -
30 To 36 Months
tried out various roles .
try new activities.
becomes more skilled in putting a puzzle together.
can remember and fallow .
vocabulary start at 500 and increase at 1000 words create 3 words sentences
start usuing past tense and plural.
ask name of objects.
may use prepositions.
understand relative sizes. -
video of a adorable toddler