CUSD in 2020

  • CUSD goes 1:1 in Grades 2-8

    CUSD goes 1:1 in Grades 2-8
    Originally we had planned on going 1:1 in 2018 but based on a committment from the Board we will be able to accelerate our timeline
  • CUSD pilots STEAM/ Makerspaces at Elementary Schools

    CUSD pilots STEAM/ Makerspaces at Elementary Schools
    My goal would be able to see STEAM/Makerspaces at all of our sites where students can collaborate on big ideas and engineer solutions.
  • Classrooms are designed to support all types of learning enviroments

    Classrooms are designed to support all types of learning enviroments
    Based on the work of David Thornburg, teachers will organize their rooms providing areas where kids can work together, receive direct instruction, learn on their own through technology, and quietly reflect and make meaning.
  • Teachers take ownership of lesson design that integrates pedagogy, curriculum, and seamless tech integration.

    Tech Lesson PlansBY 2018 our teachers will ensure that their instruction meets both the Common Core standards and the CUSD Technology Skills Scope and Sequence. When teachers lesson plan they ask "What authentic learning experience will my students have today and how can my access to information and technology enrich our existing curriculum. Teachers will design the learning experience and not allow the curriculum to make those decisions for them.
  • Each grade level will embrace a "Hackathon" technology integrated project that seeks to solve a "Global/Social" Question or issue.

    Each grade level will embrace a "Hackathon" technology integrated project that seeks to solve a "Global/Social" Question or issue.
    Kids solve big problemsStudents will be given the freedom to work together and create ideas, test theories, prototype solutions and present findings to an authentic audience.
  • Traditional classrooms give way to individualized learning paths

    Traditional classrooms give way to individualized learning paths
    Classroom of the futureA number of charter schools have worked to build individualized learning paths where students shed the traditional benchmarks of age and seat time for promotion and embrace mastery across content irregardless of age. Classrooms look like place where kids go to work on their own goals.