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Curriculum Action Plan

  • Administrator Days

    Administrator Days
    Session Title: Out of the Box Strategies for Out of Sync Kids
    Ann Auten from Hastings Public Schools challenged us to think “out of the box” instead of using traditional programming for students who are sent to the principal’s office.
  • Administrator Days

    Administrator Days
    Session Title: What’s New (SpEd) Pussycat?
    Karen Haase from Harding and Shultz Legal Firm provided an update on some of the current issues that Nebraska schools are facing in the area of special education and section 504 including service animals and participation in extra curricular activities.
  • Interview with Special Education Director

    Interview with Special Education Director
    I interviewed North Platte's Special Education Director. We discussed RTI, inclusion, and possible practicum activities. Kim shared sveral journal articles with me as well.
  • SAT Training

    SAT Training
    Attended a SAT (Student Assistance Team) training with other Jefferson staff members. Special Services Page
  • Cindy Brunken Presentation

    Cindy Brunken Presentation
    Cindy presented information about what school leaders should know about Special Education.
  • Marilyn Friend Workshop

    Marilyn Friend Workshop
    Attended Marilyn Friend Workshop. Marilyn's Co-Teaching Site
  • Inclusion PD

    Inclusion PD
    Co-planned and co-facillitated follow-up session on inclusion and co-teaching.
  • Collaborative Planning

    Collaborative Planning
    Stevie, Colleen, Heather, Linsey and I collaborately planned a reading unit using co-teaching strategies.
  • Interview with ELL Instructor

    Interview with ELL Instructor
    Interviewed Becky, the ELL instructor.