Currently Untitled Timeline.

  • 4187 BCE

    Creation of the root tribes

    Thurn and his brother are beings with magical powers. They decided to create a civilization so they split the task between them. one of them created the staff of creation and the staff of destruction, Thurn Created the tribes. He split his abilities between the tribes.
  • Period: 4187 BCE to 3992 BCE

    The Rule of the Two Brothers- Terinina Empire

  • 3996 BCE

    Birth of the Eclipse

    This is the birth of Urirvin and timerea. This event offset the power balance.
  • 3995 BCE

    The Great War

  • 3989 BCE

    The Annihilation of Dawn Tribe and Dusk Tribe

  • Period: 3986 BCE to 3928 BCE

    time of silence

  • Period: 3566 BCE to 2941 BCE

    Order of The Shadows

  • 2780 BCE

    Creation of Psychic Tribe

  • 2770 BCE

    Massacre of Shadow Tribe

  • 2569 BCE

    Battle of Broken Claw

    This battle split the Beast tribe in two parts. I lasted 3 years.
  • 1295 BCE

    Creation of Life Tribe

  • 523 BCE

    Creation of Thunder Tribe

  • 235 BCE

    Creation of Wind Tribe

  • 156 BCE

    Creation of Fire Tribe

  • Period: 156 BCE to

    Ban of Psychic Tribe

    A ban that was passed when Psychic Tribe was deemed too powerful. The tribes responded with exiling the tribe in hopes of protecting their tribe. The ban was lifted in 1934 when the people began to think Psychic Tribe's ban was unreasonable
  • 135 BCE

    Creation of Water Tribe

  • 134 BCE

    Creation of Earth Tribe

  • 1 CE

    Creation of Ice Tribe

  • 256

    Overthrow of Fire Tribe Monarch

  • 1111

    Serithian Flame Tribe Creation

    Their creation is the blade of sorrows, it is said to shift itself into barbed blade meant to rip out chunks of flesh.
  • 1234

    Creation of Sand Tribe

  • Period: 1450 to

    The Smoking Hill War

  • Rise of the Devil Blade warrior

    The Devil Blade warrior is a warrior who killed life tribe members. This Included Several Massacres and murders in the name of religion. His personal is unknown.
  • Creation of The Society of Tribal Intelligence

  • Formation of Netherin Village- The Assassin kingdom

  • Battles in the sea- Battle of Storm seas

  • The Beginnings

    The Events of the first book.
  • Rise of the Evil One

  • Creation of the Council of Tribes.