• King Charles was captured by Oliver Cromwell

  • Charles encouraged a rebellion against the Parlliament

    even after he had surrended and had been imprisioned
  • King Charles was excecuted

  • Thomas Hobbes published "The Leviathan"

    Thomas Hobbes published "The Leviathan"
  • The restoration begins

    Richard Cromwell marched to London and arranged for free elections with Charles II
  • Paradise Lost were published

    Paradise Lost were published
  • The parliament passed the test Act

  • "All for love" by Jonh Dryden was published

    "All for love" by Jonh Dryden was published
  • James II became king after his brother death

  • Dryden had become Catholic

  • James's son had been born

  • Protestant supremacy had been established

  • Protestant supremacy had been established

  • The king was unable ton raise taxes or keep on army without the argument of Parliament.

  • The gentleman's journal was published

    The gentleman's journal was published
  • The bank of England was founded

    The bank of England was founded