Culture and Currents of Thought 2015

  • Period: Nov 2, 1500 to

    Culture and Currents of Thought

  • Nov 3, 1500

    First Occupants- Forms of expression or cultural manifestations

    First Occupants- Forms of expression or cultural manifestations
    -Shamanism (priest/medicine man)
    -Myths and legends
    -Repects the elders
    -Freedom of actions (no written laws and no private property) NATURE
    -Animism (respects nature and all living things have souls)
    -Oral traditions (didn't know how to write, so everything was said verbally)
    -Song and dance
    -Circle of life
  • French Regime

    French Regime
    There were different forms of cultural expressions which are essentially expressions of many different ideas. They were influenced by the Divine Right of kings, Catholicism, and by the independent spirit and adaptability of the Canadiens. Those who didn't attend church would be exommunicated which means shunned by the church. DIVINE RIGHT OF KINGS
    The influence of the notion of the Divine Right of Kings on the ideas and culture under the French Regime. That meant that the King had total power.
  • Religion in New France

    Religion in New France
    The Clegy was everywhere (also charities and orphanages):
    -Priests in charge of parishes (cure)
    -Priests working as missionairies (someone who tried to convert others to the Catholic religion)
    -Nuns working in hospitals and schools
    -Priests were trained in a seminary. Only the smartest og boys were sent there (native tongue and latin)
    -Money to make all this happen came from the church tax called the tithe
    -Most of the people were extremely religious, it was CENTRAL to their lives
  • Role of the Church

    Role of the Church
    -Church plays a key role in defining morally acceptable behaviour
    -The Church spreads its ideas by controlling education in the colony. They were the teachers and controlled the content. Marguerite Bourgeoys: Establishes first school
    -Education was only for boys
    -Artistic productions tends to be impressions of religion (paintings, sculptures, etc)
  • Life in New France

    Life in New France
    -Habitants had happy lives but it was work (caring for crops, making clothes, fixing tools, and preparing for winter)
    -New France wasn't really developing, so settlers became self-dependent
    -Life differed from France, where you had the rich and massive numbers of poor
    -There were distinct people that would remain here after the British Conquest (beat the French)
    -The King exercised less control (they didn't care what he said)
    -There was a development of an independent spirit and a sense of free
  • British Rule

    British Rule
    Culturalactivities are the expression of ideas. They are influenced by the currents of thought like liberalism, ultramontanism, anticlericalism and imperialism. That was considered the influence of ideas on the cultural expression.
  • Liberalism

    A political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of the individual rights and the civil liberties:
    -Diffusion of liberal ideas by means of newspapers
    -Development of parliamentarism (the system of parliamentary government)
    -Reflection of liberal ideas in architecture
  • Ultramontanism

    The policy of the party in the Roman Catholic Church that favours increasing and enhancing the power and authoritu of the pope. Basically you're in favour of the Church running everything.
    -Advocating of absolute obedience to the Catholic religion
    -Church seeks to increase and extend its influence in all spheres of life --> social, political, cultural
  • Anticlericalism

    Opposed to the influence and activities of the clergy or the church in secular or public affairs (Church and State separate).
    -In opposition to ultramontanism
    -Advocating of the separation of church and state (what we have today)
    -Promotion of a more democratice regime
  • Imperialism

    The policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over oreign countries (mother country)
  • Contemporary Period

    Contemporary Period
    The influence of ideas on cultural expression: cultural expressions are essentially expressions of ideas. They are influenced by imperialism, capitalism, socialism, agriculture, nationalism, secularism, the cooperative movement, fascism, Americanism, neoliberalism and Aborginalism
  • Capitalism

    An economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporation.
  • Cooperatism

    Birth of different groups who favoured equality and collaboration (American Unions like the Knights of Labor, the Caisses populaires (Quebec bank), Catholic Union of Cultivators)
  • Americanism

    -Emergence of American cultural trends: dance, music and spread of American culture through films, radio and television
    -To counter American influences, the church spreads ideas of traditional Catholic culture through music, media and education
    -Influence of American culture through the media
  • Feminism

    -Women had a hard life, married young, produced many children over 10 was the norm
    -Women forced to do as their husbands commanded
    -Long work days, both at home and some in factories
    -Often did the worst jobs
    -Few rights (not allowed to vote), and little education WW1
    -Open things up for women, because all the men were at war
    -Got the right to vote in Federal election in 1918