Cabot arrives at Newfoundland
Gilbert in Newfoundland
Raleigh in Virginia
Period: to
Stuart England
Period: to
James I & VI of Scotland (1603-1625)
Gun Powder Plot
Jamestown, Virginia
Peacham Case
Pilgrim Fathers in New England
Period: to
Charles I (1625-1649)
Petition of rights
3 Elliot's Resolutions
Period: to
Tyranny (1629-1640)
Puritans in New England
Short Parliament
Period: to
Long Parliament
Act of Attainder
Irish Rebellion
Grand Remonstrance
Civil War 42-46
Civil War 46-48
Beheading of King Charles I
The Commowealth (Free State)
Period: to
Cromwellian Interegnum (1649-1660)
Civil War 50-51
Navigation Act
The Protectorate
Navigation Act
Cromwell's Death
Declaration of Breda
Royal Society
Period: to
Charles II (1660-1685)
Triple Alliance
Secret Treaty of Dover
Declaration of Indulgence
Test Act
Election on Party Lines
1st Exclusion Bill
2nd Exclusion Bill
Period: to
James II 85-88
Declarations of indulgence 87-88
Constitutional Monarchy
Glorious Revolution
Bill of Rights
Subsequent Acts 89-94
Period: to
William III and Mary 89-02
Bank of England
Queen Anne's Death
Act of Settlement
Period: to
Queen Anne 02-14
Treaty of Ultrecht
Period: to
Hanoverian England
Period: to
George I 14-27
Period: to
Whig Oligarchy
Period: to
George IV
Period: to
Age of Walpole
Period: to
George II 27-60
Period: to
Gorge III 60-20
Period: to
Industrial Revolution 60-50
Treaty of Paris
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party
First Continental Congress
Coercive Acts
Quebec Act
2nd Continental Congress
American Independence
George Washington
Battle of Yorktown
New Brunswick
American Canstitution
French Revolution
General Enclousure Act
George IV acts as Regent
Period: to
William IV 30-37
Reform Bill
Factory Act
Abolition of Slavery
First Government Grant for Education
Municipal Corporation Act
Period: to
Victorian England
Lord Durham's Report
Act of Union
Reform Bill
British North American Act
Reform Bill
Imperial War Conference
Equal Enfranchisement
Statute of Westminster
Canada Act