Change in the Political Aspects of the Rise and Spread of Islam (Mirzad Kablic 3rd hour Ap World)
Jan 1, 610
Muhammad's First Revelation
Muhammad recieved his revelations from the Arch-angel Gabriel which were verses from the Quran. This was the spark that ignited the eternal flame which is Islam. Muhammad became our prophet and spread the message of Islam. This was obviously a change because Islam was not previously developed before this point and it was an addition of an entirely new religion. This relates to my thesis with the state of the prophet Muhammad emerging. -
Period: Jan 1, 610 to
Politcal Aspects in the Rise and Spread of Islam
The political aspects throughout the Rise and Spread of Islam were heavily dependent on the change in control of important land, the state of the caliph or the state of the prophet, along with more societies converting to Islam. -
Jan 1, 622
Muhammad's Hijra
Muhammad and his followers flee from Mecca to Medina after being informed about a plot of assasination. This year became the first year of the Islamic calendar. Politically, this was a more defined development of the Islamic Empire. This relates to my thesis with the state of the prophet Muhammad because he was endangered with plotting of an assasination but was able to flee and gain more followers in Medina. -
Nov 29, 630
Muslims capture Mecca and cleanse the Ka'ba
Ten thousand Muslims marched to and captured Mecca. This relates to my thesis because very important land was captured and further developed and changed the view of Islam by gaining more power through followers and land, as it was becoming more developed. -
Jun 8, 632
Death of Muhammad
With the death of Muhammad came a crucial change to the political structure of Islam. With the arguments over who would succeed Muhammad, become the caliph, Islam was split into two, Sunni and Shi'a. This relates to my thesis with the state of the caliph or prophet. -
Jan 1, 633
Taking more land.
Muslim armies took control of North Africa, obtained the Fertile Crescent, some of the Persian, and parts of the Byzantine Empires. This relates to my thesis of obtaining more land. This changes view of the Islamic empire because it expanded greatly. -
Jan 1, 655
Islam Spreads to North Africa
Islam began to spread throughout parts of North Africa. It rapidly grew and expanded the Islamic Empire. This was a change to the political power that Muslims had with more expanded parameters. This relates to my thesis of obtaining more land and societies converting to Islam. -
Jan 1, 661
Umayyad Rule
Ali, the caliph, was murdered which brought an end to the four righteous caliphs (Abur Bakr, Umar,Uthman, and Ali. This was a change to political structure because Umayyads began to rule, eliminating caliphs. This relates to my thesis with the state of the caliph. -
Oct 1, 732
Battle of Tours
This battle prevents empire from expanding north. European Christians fought against Muslims. This was a change because Muslims were conquering many places but then were finally stopped when trying to conquer Christian land. This relates to my thesis by failing to obtain important land. -
Jan 1, 750
Abbasids take rule from Umayyad.
Though Umayyads were in control of the entire Islamic Empire for a long time, there was change in political structure when Abbasids took power from the Umayyads. Abbasids moved capital to Baghdad which became a major trade crossroad. This relates to my thesis with obtaining major land. -
West Africa Conversion
With Islam spreading to West Africa, the domination of Islam was ever more clear as a world religion. This was a change becausew West Africa was not Islamic previously and it expands the Islamic Empire further. This relates to my thesis of societies converting to Islam.