1119 BCE
Templar Cipher
Substituted letters with Symbols (originally designed for 25 letters) -
400 BCE
Kamasutra Cipher
Meant to instruct women how to hide secret messages
Split alphabet substition method -
200 BCE
Polybius Cipher
Created by Polybius
Based on a 5x5 letter matrix -
100 BCE
Caeser Cipher
Subsitution method (basic building block for encryption techniques) -
Jan 1, 1553
Vigenère cipher
First mentioned in 1553 by Giovan Battista Bellaso
Misattributed to Blaise de Vigenère -
Baconian Cipher
Created by: Francis Bacon
Binary Steganography -
Playfair Cipher
Best known multiple-letter encryption
Sir Charles Wheatstone -
Larrabee Cipher
Based on the Vigenère cipher
Registered with Library of Congress in 1874 -
Nihilist Cipher
Base on the Polybius Cipher -
Four-Square Cipher
Created by: Felix Delastelle
Uses four 5x5 matrices place in a square pattern -
Vernam Cipher
Created by: Gilbert Vernam
Works on binary bits instead of letters -
One-Time Pad
Suggested improvement to the Vernam Cipher
By: Joseph Mauborgne
Considered truly unbreakable if done right -
Enigma Machines
Used by: Germany & Japan during WWII
Paved the way for today's Data Encryption Standard (DES) -
Hill Cipher
Similar to Playfair - it hides single-letter frequencies
By: Lester Hill -
Navajo Cipher
Phoneitc Navajo Language substitution
By: Philip Johnston