Crown of castile trabajo alvaro(historia)

Crown Of Castile

  • 1212

    Battle of las Navas de Tolosa

    Battle of las Navas de Tolosa
    It Was the initiative of Alfonso VIII to engage in a great battle against the Almohads after having suffered the great defeat of Alarches in 1195.3 For this reason He asked Pope Innocent III to support the participation of the rest of the Christian kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula, and The preaching of a crusade for Christendom promising the forgiveness of sins to those who fought in it; All this with the intercession of the Archbishop of Toledo, Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada
  • 1230

    Definitive union of Castile and Leon

    Definitive union of Castile and Leon
    The kingdom of castile, was a large and powerful state located on the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages. Its name comes from the host of castles constructed in the región (and finaly they unite whith león)
  • 1244

    Ferdinand III occupiers Jaen Treaty of Almizra

    Ferdinand III occupiers Jaen Treaty of Almizra
    Ferdinand III was King of Castile from 1217 and King of León from 1230 as well as King of Galicia from 1231.[1] He was the son of Alfonso IX of León and Berenguela of Castile. Through his second marriage he was also Count of Aumale. Ferdinand III was one of the most successful kings of Castile, securing not only the permanent union of the crowns of Castile and León, but also masterminding the most expansive campaign of Reconquista yet.
  • 1262

    Alfonso X conquers Niebla

    At the end of February 1262 and was granted the royal immunity by Alfonso X as did his father Ferdinand III with the city of Seville. From that moment the crown of Castile took formal possession of the lands of the Algarve, however, part of the territory had already been conquered by the Portuguese, which would be conflicts in the following years.
  • 1273

    Fundation of the Mesta

    Fundation of the Mesta
    The sheep were transhumant, migrating from the pastures of Extremadura and Andalusia to León and Castile and back according to the season.
    The no-man's-land (up to 100 km across) between the Christian-controlled north and Moorish-controlled south was too insecure for arable farming and was only exploited by shepherds.
  • 1340

    Battle of Salado

    Battle of Salado
    The Battle of Salado Creek was a decisive engagement in 1842 which repulsed the final Mexican invasion of the Republic of Texas. Colonel Mathew Caldwell of the Texas Rangers led just over 200 militia against an army of 1,600 Mexican Army soldiers and Cherokee warriors, and defeated them outside of San Antonio de Bexar along Salado Creek. As a result of this action, French-Mexican commander General Adrián Woll retreated south and back into Mexico.
  • 1344

    Alfonso XI occupes Algeciras

    Algeciras (1278)Estepona (1342)Gibraltar (1407)
    El sitio de Algeciras de 1342 fue una empresa bélica llevada a cabo por las tropas castellanas de Alfonso XI junto a las flotas de Aragón y Génova durante la Reconquista con el objetivo de conquistar la ciudad musulmana de al-Ŷazīra al-Jaḍrāʔ, llamada Algeciras por los cristianos, principal puerto de la orilla europea del estrecho de Gibraltar.
  • 1369

    Begining of the Trastamara dynasty in the Crown of Castile

    The line of Trastámaran royalty in Castile ruled throughout a period of military struggle with Aragon. Their family was sustained with large amounts of inbreeding, which led to a series of disputed struggles over rightful claims to the Castilian throne. This lineage ultimately ruled in Castile from the rise to power of Henry II in 1369 through the unification of the crowns under Ferdinand and Isabella.
  • 1475

    Civil war in Castile

    Civil war in Castile
    The Castilian Civil War was a war of succession over the Kingdom of Castile that lasted from 1351 to 1369. The conflict started after the death of king Alfonso XI of Castile in March 1350.